Getting More Guineas

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New Born Pup
Nov 10, 2015
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Hi, I have recently expanded my guinea pigs cage and was wondering if I add more on to the top level and get them neutered. Whether I would be able to add another one or two guniea pigs? Or is that not advised as they have been together since 6 weeks?
This is their cage at the moment I am going to expand it if I get another two and will be expanding to the top level.


Are your current piggies male or female? If they are female then you can add more if you have enough space and personalities suit.

If they are both male and happy as a pair then I would leave them well alone. If you want and can care for more piggies then build a second cage upstairs and have another, seperate pair. That's what I have.

Any mixed sex group ideally consists of one (neuterd) male and one or more females...This is a natural group state for guinea pigs.

Having more than one male in a group is very difficult if not impossible and even if they are neutered they will fight for dominance over the females. I believe some people have achieved it but it needs to be in such large enclosures (e.g. outsode in fields or similar) and with high female to male ratio that it is not possible for most.
I think because your piggies are both boars, it is difficult to add anymore. If you added a sow/s they would most likely fight each other, and it is unlikely a third boar will get along with the existing two as they haven't been together since birth and a triplet of boars could get very territorial.

Unfortunately if you wanted to add more you'd probably need a separate cage. Hope this helps!
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