Getting fed up of fleece. help.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 30, 2011
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I was just wondering if anyone has this problem, I use fleece for bedding for my two boys. But within an hour it is covered with poo!
I use the medium corner litter tray for their hay. but one gets so excited he climbs in and kicks the hay out so it gets everywhere. then i struggle to get the hay of the fleece before washing.
I have two different fleeces, one thin and one thick but both not as absorbant as i thought they would be. Even with news papers and towels under the fleece its gets soaked within couple of days :(

Please please advise what should i use instead.
Fleece is soooo quick to thats one pro!
I have tried everything - sawdust - newspaper and hay - vet bed - they can all be messy - but prefer fleece now as it has lots of pretty designs - it is also cheaper than vet bed and lasts just as long - you will have to change whatever you use every couple of days anyway - also depend how much your piggies pee and how many you have in how much space.

I have two very pongy boys and struggled with fleece to begin with.

I have a 2x4 c&c cage which has a cage liner (mattress protector sewn to fleece).

They then have a ramp up to a 2x1 hayloft. this has a litter tray with megazorb in and is placed under their hayrack.

I've found they tend to wee mainly where they eat so the megazorb works a treat and gets changed daily (any longer and its soaked).

Unfortunately they poo for britain so I just sweep it up first thing and then usually do another sweep before bed, as they are in my daughters room and I dont want her sleeping with poo everywhere!

They hayloft made a huge difference and my liner easily goes a week, the correx base is never wet and neither is the fleece.

Perhaps try putting mattress protector under the fleece instead of towels as the towels always stay wet or try a cage liner.
I scoop the poops up with a cat litter shovel thing, and then take the fleece up once per day and stick them in plastic bags above the cage (to stop the hay falling onto the carpet) and then I take it all outside and shake it out really hard. That gets 90% of the hay off.

I put a really large cat litter tray in my boys cage, put newspaper on the bottom and then fill it with hay. They tend to d most of their weeing and pooping in there, so I change that daily. The cat litter tray has a rim all the way around so the hay tends to stay in, and the hay rack is above the tray so if any falls out it mostly falls into the tray.

When they do wee out of the box its in one corner really. I put a puppy pad in this corner under the towel (£1 for a pack of 4 i think in the £1 shop) and I also have a an extra square of towel I put on top of the usual towel layer. That absorbs quite a bit. I can change the towel square and puppy pad whenever they are wet :)

hope that helped :) xx
I find it less time consuming to use bedding. With fleece it took half an hour a day to clean it up, I know do 30 minutes every 7 days for a fullc lean out. Their poop corner gets cleaned daily with a scoop though but thats about 2 minutes.

Its more expensive apparently to use bedding, I use 1/16th of a bale of finacard at a cost of 80p per week but taking into account time, washing machine running, tumble dryer, hours pully hay off the fleeces etc I dont think it will work out much different at all. Fleece needed washing daily to stop stink ...
When they do wee out of the box its in one corner really. I put a puppy pad in this corner under the towel (£1 for a pack of 4 i think in the £1 shop) and I also have a an extra square of towel I put on top of the usual towel layer. That absorbs quite a bit. I can change the towel square and puppy pad whenever they are wet :)

hope that helped :) xx

you are very lucky! mine seem to pee all over the place :O
but i think i may try use a bigger litter try and see if it makes a difference.

Thanks for the advise :)
I switched to Megazorb and it's very absorbent, smells funny when you first get it out but 30 seconds later doesn't smell at all, £6 a sack and that lasts me 3 or 4 months, doesn't stick to your clothes or socks and easier to Hoover off the floor :)
I do three or four poop collections a day. I love fleece as it make my girls happy. It is a lot of work but I do not mind.
I'm not a fan of fleece either, for the reasons you've mentioned. I find with fleece there are so many poos that they need picking out several times a day or they squish themselves under the piggies' feet! rolleyes And it's impossible to get all the small pieces of hay out.

The only time I've used fleece and it's really worked out for me was when I had a piggy who had gone incontinent. Her back feet were getting so sore, as the constant dribbling urine was scalding them. The fleece kept her a lot dryer and helped her feet.

It's also weird how some piggies seem to love fleece and others don't. I remember Holly (no longer with us :() used to popcorn around and do circuits when a new piece of fleece went in, and she never did that on any other occasion! But Cassie hates it and constantly tries to make herself a nice hay bed if she's on fleece.
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