Getting concerned about my boys

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Iv had them 3 weeks now and they seemed to get on great before but in the last few days Iv noticed a lot of "nose offs" rumbling and the most worrying is Iv heard quite a lot of teeth chattering. I havent seen any full on fighting and neither have any war wounds

They are aged between 9-12m and have been together since birth (litter mates) should they be split or just watch how they go?

Thanks in advanced :)
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I always think splitting up a pair has to be a last resort, shows of dominance are normal between boars and so long as they don't fly at each other like furballs or draw blood leave them be. Having two of everything is key with boars like igloos, food bowls etc also now might be a good time to bath them remove their individual scents and put them back on an even keel
Thanks :) they seem to be ok now.. Charlies tossing a jingly toy about and george is relaxing on the bridge

Could it be that they feel settled now (they dont run away when talked to now, just stand up against the bars looking for veg)

I'm not really sure who is alpha pig TBH they both are equally bossy and cheeky, the bickering seems to be 50/50

I will try a bath tomorrow
To be honest, with their age, it isn't unusual. Ben has been chasing Dave a fair bit today, but this evening they are both nice as anything! Ben is 11 months old and Dave is 7 1/2 months. Ben has always been Boss pig so it's been interesting as Dave has got older!

I go to the other extreme - they've got one pigloo in their cage, which Ben uses (Dave should hopefully be getting a hammock soon!). They're both such cocky boys that they are quite confident having nowhere to hide so during the day I take the pigloo out, which gives them extra cage space to move around in and less corners to be backed into!
Thats how my boys started and within a week of seeing them doing this they have been fighting and thats just what i saw Peter has a little scab on his nose 8...

I live in hope that one day i can make them friends again, I'm hoping to bath them this week but its been so cold id hate to make them ill :(
Thats how my boys started and within a week of seeing them doing this they have been fighting and thats just what i saw Peter has a little scab on his nose 8...

I live in hope that one day i can make them friends again, I'm hoping to bath them this week but its been so cold id hate to make them ill :(

Oh no, did you end up seperating them? My two seem to have sorted themselfs out over the w/e. they are harmonious again! maybe they came over all hormonal lol

I cleaned out the cage and washed all the bits and bobs down. i didnt bath them yet but they seem happy again so will leave them be now. I gave them a few new toys. juding by the amount of tossing the toys got they have been taking their rage out on them
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