Getting Cold Feet


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 24, 2024
Reaction score
Norfolk, UK
hey everyone - hope you’re all doing well.

As the big day of going to the animal sanctuary to adopt 2 boys is just round the corner, I’m starting to get what can only be described as getting cold feet …

I finished setting up the enclosure last night; a Westland cage to serve as the eating/sleeping area and using C & C grids as an extension to make it the right size for 2 boars, and added fleece, hides bottles etc. and hay order arriving tomorrow.
Then doubt crept in..

Am I doing the right thing for the future guineas? I’ve never had any before - rabbits yes, but this is a different kettle of rodents.

Giving previously abandoned and neglected animals a home for life is always very rewarding - all my previous pets were from rehoming centres (apart from the sheep and horses/ponies) and will always continue to do so. The place I’m getting them from is absolutely amazing and everyone is very knowledgeable - they even have a wildlife hospital there, and they take their time with rehoming animals to the right people.
I’m having doubts because I hope I’m not going to get them for the wrong reasons. I suffer from depression and anxiety and animals have always helped my mental health in many ways, and since I’ve been unemployed - hoping to start a new day job I’m up for very soon, it would help to have a better routine as animals always have to come first. When I start my new day job I would be working from home, so that would make caring for them easy, however I’m struggling to find people that I know who would take care of them if I’m away for a weekend. Also since my learned profession is as an actor and I’m signed to an agency i might be called on to do a project for a few weeks and possibly travel - of course that’s completely up in the air as I’ve not had a call-back this year and 90% of auditions are done via self-tapes these days - I’ve had 5 this year and didn’t have to leave the house for them.
I have a feeling that if I go on a diet and hit the gym for the rest of this year and focus working on my skills via workshops, I’ll have better chances.
The reason I’m mentioning this is because that will give me more time to bond with the new boys and to find the right people to take care of them if/when I’m away.

I just don’t want them to become a “crutch” for me as that wouldn’t be fair on them. I’m in a fairly new relationship with someone who lives 30mins away, so on days when I’m staying over their place I can pop back to mine to feed/check if I’m staying a whole weekend. The person I’m dating likes animals but isn’t a fan of having pets as they don’t want to be tied down, so spontaneous trips away etc might not be possible and I’m not sure they would put up with too much pet based compromises so early on in a relationship.

Not even 100% sure why or even what I’m saying exactly. I suffer quite badly from Imposter Syndrome, so it might just be that..

Apologies for this very long post and if you’ve read all of it, please know you’re getting a standing ovation.
I adopted Misty and Bramble from my local Rescue. They also go back there for holidays is this something that the Rescue you are getting your boys from offers? I asked around on FB for good guinea pig boarders (before I got Misty and Bramble) and everyone said that this Rescue was the best place. If not have a look on the internet for piggy boarders in your area. That's where I got my first boarder from and she was amazing. Make sure you go and visit the place beforehand to check it out and ask lots of questions. One place I approached wouldn't let me go and visit, described the place to me and said "we do have a TV that's on at all times in the piggy shed". Needless to say I didn't use this particular boarder!

I'm sure you'll make a wonderful Guinea Pig Slave. You have everything ready for your boys when they arrive and as you said the rescue "take their time with rehoming animals to the right people." So you are "a right person" to rehome some piggies too.

When you get them they will be scared. Leave them to settle in for a few days and pop a blanket over part of the cage so they feel a bit more secure.

Good luck! We'd love some piggy spam when they are settled in.
The fact that you are questioning whether to do it defines that if you go ahead you will be a responsible and attentive slave.
Only you can make the decision on whether your personal circumstances are in the right place. I'm sure you will make the right decision.
I find the most stressful thing about pet ownership is trying to find a reliable sitter or boarder when I want to go away on holiday. If I were you I’d definitely be looking into friends, family or professional pet sitters/boarding as soon as you get them. It’s definitely doable and it’s great you’re thinking ahead already. 👍🏻