Getting another piggy....

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 26, 2008
Reaction score
Las Galletas, Tenerife
Sorry to anyone who finds it annoying that I only appear to be active when I want something these days, but I'm here again...

We lost Milo. I miss him so much I can't face going through this again. Archie needs a companion but this will be the last piggy I have. I'm sure that sounds harsh but I get so attached and am so devastated at losing Milo, I just can't keep doing this to myself. Although Milo was 5, Archie is only 18 months old and it just isn't fair to keep him alone when he's used to company. However, because I want to break the cycle of getting companions for companions, I figure the sooner I get him a friend the better, to keep the age gap to a minimum for obvious reasons...

I called into the pet shop today and they have babies aged four months or so, little ones, but they also have a very handsome adult pig who the girl estimated at about six months. His fur is still baby soft so I wouldn't put him at much older, but still grown.

So my question is, given that Archie is barely past baby himself at just 18 months, how much harder do you think it might be to get him to accept a grown young pig, or am I better playing it safer and getting a baby as young as possible? To give an idea of his character, Archie had tried on various occasions to assert himself with Milo and was even an outright bully at times, just once he tried to prevent Milo from getting to the food bowl to eat and I had to feed them separately, but most of the time they were best of friends, sharing their food together, snuggling on adjacent beds, making piggy trains around my apartment and wreaking havoc under my bed together.

I will of course take Archie with me to the pet shop to have his say and a friend is coming with me to help me keep my head screwed on, but forward preparation is good so any insights are gratefully appreciated. Thank you :)
Have you looked into wether their are any rescues in your area, my first thoughts would be rescue over pet shop, with a rescue you have alot less of a chance of miss sexing and illnesses often associated with pet shop pigs. A rescue are also generally much better when it comes to returning pigs that don’t get on, which is common in males, as they are quite particular when it comes to pairing.

However if a pet shop is your only option your first step would be to quarantine the new pig, to rule out the chance of any illness spreading to Archie, you’ll then need to start slowly introducing them, first on your lap, then maybe in a side by side cage environment and then from there in a neutral environment that doesn’t smell like either pig, somewhere like a run or a bath tub. Then if they get on you will have to clean the cage thoroughly and disinfect to remove any trace of Archie, then add the two pigs and keep a careful eye on them.

Bonding is a stressful time for pigs and owners, so its good to do research first :)
Unless you can bond them before you buy a new boar, I wouldn't go for an adult-adult boar constellation unless you are planning to keep them next to each other with interaction through the bars, and if they get on as a couple, then that is the icing on the cake.

Here is a boar bonding blog from a rescue lady which should give you a good idea what is involved.
Thank you for the replies :)

No there are no rescues here, only pet shops, so I took Archie back to the same shop I got him from and introduced him to a couple. This is what we brought home: Toby!


As you can see, they're getting on wonderfully. This video was taken less than 24 hours after bringing him home:


Toby is bigger and clearly older than the others were when I got them, so I disbelieve the vague "3-4 months" they told me in the shop. He's still tiny and scrawny but he already has his balls and a very independent streak so I'm tempted to add another couple of months on to that. I'll see of I can get some more "personal" pictures to post in the next couple of days and see what others' thoughts are.
Another video taken a couple of days later ;) (Don't worry that's only a co-ax cable I forgot to move and is well piggy chewed already)

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