Getting A New Baby, Introductions...

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 8, 2015
Reaction score
Atherton, UK
So hopefully today if the first introductions go well then I am getting a baby Himalayan. I know about introducing in a neutral environment which I have sorted out and hideys with 2 exits so no one gets trapped. The last introduction I did went brilliantly and they went together the first night in the hutch. But now I have 2 girls to introduce to an almost 8 week old baby I just want to know if there is anything to be wary of? Do I need to keep them apart tonight even if they don't fight during the introductions? Also if they don't get on during first introductions does this mean they will never get on?
sorry for so many questions, I am fairly new to introductions and I always wanted a Himalayan so I would like things to go as smooth as possible. The pair of pigs I have chosen for her to go with are very calm and docile not the feisty pair.
I think people will recommend that if they don't fight then you keep them together because parting them starts the whole cycle again (that's what I've read anyway), when we've introduced two piggies and they've got on, we've just put them in a cleaned out cage with cleans beds, bowls etc.

It depends what they are doing when you first introduce I think, if they are attacking to hurt then I would suggest not to try again, depending on how bad it is. We've just adopted two himi's who we were told were ok at the rescue, but when they came here... they had a few fights and we've had to split them up and put them into separate cages.

There's information here that might help :)
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Keep any piggies together that do not fight or where all piggies involved in the bonding are very tense, and the tension is not abating. With a baby, this should be less of a problem, but be aware that the dominance is likely to be quite strong, as they are most emphatically put into their place at the bottom of the hierarchy by the sow next above them in the standing. Babies are often very vocal, so there is going to be quite some submission squealing and other dramatics! As long as they have got an escape route, they won't come to any harm, as they are much more agile than older piggies.
Good luck! I'm going to be introducing my new 8 week old pig to my 4 year old soon too! Hope all goes well for you! :)
Babies are usually well accepted, even though they do get firmly bossed around! I've had three babies and three adults. First baby was bought for my first rehomed lonely adult and she loved the baby. No dominance displays, she acted like an Aunt. Second baby was immediately accepted by both piggies, bottom sniffing but no dominance behaviour. Again first adult (head-pig) showed affection and the next in line showed a friendly greeting and that's about it.
Third baby was accepted immediately by the top two but had to endure a day or two of what looked like bullying by the pig who had been at the bottom of the pecking order, i.e. the previous baby to be introduced. I felt terribly sorry for this 'bullied' baby but I was assured at the time it was very normal and common, but the phase soon passed.
Just to let you all know the introductions went well. She is being a bit bossed and told where to go but has settled in quite well and has been on the grass with them today. Apart from me feeling cruel from taking her away from her mummy she has settled in really well.
Yay! The bossing should soon settle. She'll be well at home with her new Aunties and will not miss her Mum for long xx
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