Getting a friend for Cuzzy

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Jul 6, 2007
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Hi All,

Well as you know last week we have Barny time and Sunshine and Cuzzy became a locked ball of fur for a couple of seconds! Cuzzy started the fight attacking Sunshine from behind! So now I have my bonded boys Sunshine and Twinkle outside with Cuzzy in a Nero 3 in our living room. He popcorns all the time and we are always cuddling him but I feel he needs one of his own kind, I feel for him!

So my plan was to get a Spayed Sow but after contacting countless rescue centres I've not found one and some centres have been snotty to me in their repsonses 'why do you want a spayed sow? Just get your boar neutered.' To be honest I'm worried about that because of the things that can go wrong and I really don't want to neuter him, I feel he has been through a lot already with his mites and getting seperated from Sunshine and Twinkle and I don't want to put him through any more stress.

So...I was thinking because Cuzzy is dominate would a less dominate pig be ok with him? Whether neutered or not? Of course I would let Cuzzy choose a friend but I'm now seriously considering another boar for him but I don't want to be left with another pig that I have to seperate.

Any advice?


Hi louise, its a tough one, most people say that being neautered doesn't affect boys' behaviour so you maight aswell get an uneautered boar, maybe get him a baby? It's hard because there is a chance that cuzzy just doesn't get on with boars and you could end up with yet another single boar. Have you looked into everything involved in neautering? I don't know wether i'd do it but i don't know uch about it, Sorry i'm no help :( x
Hi Emma,

Thanks for your reply! :) I've looked into neutering and I don't think I'm knowledgable enough yet to go through with it and with me having the girls (by girls I mean little if something should happen to him they would be heartbroken so for me there are more cons then pros.

I'm going to contact Lymm rescue and see what they say. Cuzzy may just need a timid friend, he is nice with Twinkle but obviously I don't want to seperate my bonded boys.

Have a good day!

Being neutered does not change a guineas personality at all, and I am not sure a rescue would have a single neutered boar, and if they did, may want him to go to a home with a female.

You may want to speak to a rescue, to ask if you were to rehome a boar, and cuzzy wouldnt accept him, or they fell out, if you could return him, I would imagine that would be okay....

Its worth a try.

I would not go for a baby boar, as his personality may change as he hits his teen stage....

Have a look at the piggies behaviour and choose a submissive pig that will let cuzzy boss him about, let cuzzy have a sniff and then take it from there.

One thing I will say is, put what cuzzy wants shouldnt take the one you think is good looking/nice home, its about whats best for cuzzy and who he likes ;) O0

Keep us updated O0
Thanks PP, I'll speak to the rescue and see what they say.

I totally agree with putting Cuzzy first, whatever he wants is fine. Emily (daughter) isn't keen on pigs with red eyes, but if thats what Cuzzy wants that is what Cuzzy gets!

Thanks again!

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