getting a companion for a teenage boar

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New Born Pup
Nov 7, 2012
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I hope this isn't repeating previous posts but I wanted to see if anyone had any advice on the specifics of this...

I have a boar, Fremsley, who is nearly 5 months old, who has been kept on his own since he was weaned by the breeders I got him from when he was about 11 weeks old. I had kept guinea pigs before and was always told not to introduce boars to each other, but after reading more here, I want to find him a friend! Should I wait until he's a bit older, and avoid introducing another boar when he's a hormonal teenager, or should I go ahead? I'm worried about ending up with two lonely guinea pigs in separate cages! His cage is about 100x50cm - is it big enough for two piggies?

Also, I would like to let him/them run around the floor to but he seems reluctant to explore more, even though he can climb in and out. How can I make it more appealing?
I would say that you would be better to find him an older friend, rather than wait for him to become older himself! If you are near any rescues many offer 'dating' services which you have probably read about on here. Many rescues have older pigs, this would be ideal as you would only have one pig at the teenage level at any one time. I have recently put a 9 month old boy in with my 2 year old boy and it seems good so far the age difference has worked a treat.

Maybe you could find him a new friend who is 18 months old or older?

As for being outside the cage, is he roaming free in a room or in a run? I owuld maybe put some tunnells & toys in a run for him if he is roaming free maybe it is a bit overwhelming - they do love tunnels and hideys and paper bags from primark etc! And toilet rolls stuffed with hay...

Sorry for not acknowledging your reply, I thought I had turned on the email notifications for replies, but seems I hadn't!
I don't live near any rescues or drive, but I'll look out for older pigs that need re-homing from elsewhere...
He's getting much braver at being free range though!
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