Gethin Is Such A Happy Boy!

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Staff member
Mar 10, 2009
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Coventry UK
I love all my piggies, but some really worm their way into my heart. My latest arrival, "toy boy" husboar Gethin ("Dusky") who I adopted in March aged ca. 5 months from the RSPCA, is definitely one of them! He is very happily living with 5 year old Tesni ("Sun-warmed")!

I hope that you enjoy his popcorns!
Lovely! Hes fair charging about there!

Now for a random question! The noise hes making inbetween rumbles, its not quite a wheek.. What does it mean? Fudge does it all the time when shes pottering about, normally when shes bashing stuff around the cage. She sometimes has a little popcorn as she goes- more of a twitch than a jump with her old arthritic bones!
Lovely! Hes fair charging about there!

Now for a random question! The noise hes making inbetween rumbles, its not quite a wheek.. What does it mean? Fudge does it all the time when shes pottering about, normally when shes bashing stuff around the cage. She sometimes has a little popcorn as she goes- more of a twitch than a jump with her old arthritic bones!

The chuntering noise means "guinea pig in motion, all OK". This is so that guinea pig groups can keep in contact with each other and update each other when moving in the grasslands they have developed in and where they could not see each other necessarily.

The louder squeaking is what I call "boarly feelings". Boars make them when they are excited; often associated with rumble strutting at other boars, popcorning or breaking out in a run.
The chuntering noise means "guinea pig in motion, all OK". This is so that guinea pigs can keep in contact and update each other when moving in the grasslands they had developed in and where they could not see each other necessarily.

It's interesting to know why they make this noise. One of my sows (Sparkle) makes this noise all the time , It's really endearing .
He is a star.I know what you mean about certain ones stealing your heart completely.Fizzy pop did that with me.lost her around three years ago and still miss her like crazy.Soda pop seems to have done the same
Aw, he's adorable! Loved the video :wub:

The louder squeaking is what is call "boarly feelings". Boars make them when they are excited; often associated with rumble strutting at other boars, popcorning or breaking out in a run.

Teddy used to do this quite often, and I always found it really adorable. Thank you for explaining the real meaning (I could only guess)!
What a great video. Is this your exercise area for the piggies? Its fantastic! Happy boy!

Yes, it is just the rest of the room with the old carpet (which we have finally been able to deep clean this week, now that my hub is finally starting to get better). There is a shared "motorway station" for all piggies at the bottom of the old tv cabinet, which now serves as storage area for the pigs. We tend to underestimate how important scent marking and sensing is for piggies - they love to "read" the latest piggy news in there! The ground floor pens have mostly direct access to floor, so some group or other are always out and about (even overnight).
I love your set up, and your Gethin is a very stunning piggie.
My kids now want a long haired piggie like Gethin!
Plus they liked that his name was in a new language (new to them - not new to Welsh people obviously).
I told them you were Swiss, and they asked if any of your piggies had Swiss names.
Actually they asked if any of your piggies had schweizerdeutsch names, but I told them I wasn't sure if you even spoke schweizerdeutech!
I love your set up, and your Gethin is a very stunning piggie.
My kids now want a long haired piggie like Gethin!
Plus they liked that his name was in a new language (new to them - not new to Welsh people obviously).
I told them you were Swiss, and they asked if any of your piggies had Swiss names.
Actually they asked if any of your piggies had schweizerdeutsch names, but I told them I wasn't sure if you even spoke schweizerdeutech!

I speak Schwyzerduetsch/dialect fluently, but I find that the language I use depends very much on who I talk to. I speak English with my piggies, so they have names that fit into that context. But I can certainly help you with finding Swiss names if you wish to!

Discussions around the table when we are on a family visit usually happen in three languages, German with my mum and sister, Swiss dialect with my brother, the in-laws and nieces and English whenever my hub is involved. My sister and I tend to switch from one language to another in the middle of a sentence, depending on who we are addressing.

Gethin is a little cutie! I am glad that I let the rescue fosterer decide which of her freshly neutered boys (all interbred shelties rescued from a house overrun with guinea pigs) to date with my girl. The others were even more striking, but Gethin is the sweetest natured of them.
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