George and his new baby boar friend (bonding)

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Oct 27, 2006
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Hello again

After much deliberation I decided to get a baby boar as a friend for George so that I wouldn't have to risk a castration op (I'd be devastated if anything happened to him). I have been to a local rescue today (I originally rang about a girl, but they advised a baby boar) and picked up his little pal.

George went to the rescue to meet his new pal, a 4 week old boar (no name yet, need something that goes with George!). There was a lot of sniffing but no aggression so he came home with us.

I cleaned his cage and they are together now. There was a bit of rumbling to start with, but there has been no fighting and they are currently together in the pigloo. I am hearing the odd rumble, but there is no fighting, so I assume this is just George saying I'm the boss? Baby pig has a hidey he can go to that George won't fit into, but he seems perfectly happy to sit in the pigloo.

Is this a good sign so far? Will get some pics tomorrow, think baby has had enough stress for one day.
Congrats on your new arrival. It all sounds good so far. A bit of rumbling and bum sniffing is perfectly normal!
What sort of names go with George.....mmm...maybe Henry?
lavenderjade said:
Congrats on your new arrival. It all sounds good so far. A bit of rumbling and bum sniffing is perfectly normal!
What sort of names go with George.....mmm...maybe Henry?
OMG how freaky, when I was a kid we had a pair of standard poodles called George and Henry! :o

Glad to hear George took to his new friend happily, I'm hoping to introduce Gus to a baby boy at the end of the month so I hope it goes as well as yours has.
Very ^-^

George is still doing the odd rumbling and walking around slowly, but there has been no scuffling. There have been some really sweet moments where they were both foraging around for food (I spread it around so George can't guard it) and they were chunnering away to each other, the kind of noise George makes before he breaks into a fully fledged wheeking. :smitten:
hehe these names are great

Fave names so far (in no particular order - some from outside the forum)

Shadow (he is always two steps behind George)

I think at the moment he deserves munchkin as he is currently trying to mount George (who is being very patient) lol 98)

When I took him out to check him this morning for any nips, George was wheeking for him :smitten:

Check out the pigture here
They are very noisy lol, are all paired pigs like this? Not wheeking, more like a chirruping noise, but at least the rumbling has stopped :smitten:
Very cute this morning, when I fed them they both came out together to eat from the bowl

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