Junior Guinea Pig
Hello! My girls smell pretty bad. I’m planning on switching from oxbow to Sherwood since I’ve heard the cleaner ingredients help with poop smells and also because obviously I only want the best for my pigs. Can I use a gel air freshener if it’s barely opened and far away from the cage? I was thinking of using either vanilla or peach scent. I was thinking vanilla might be better since it won’t constantly smell like food?
A little background info. Ones 7 weeks old the other one is supposedly 9-10 weeks old but she’s pretty big. They have fleece bedding. I sweep the poos up every morning. And wash the fleece once a week. The bigger one smells more than the little one. I do want to give them a bath with some safe shampoo soon. Just not right now, they’re not fully tame yet.
A little background info. Ones 7 weeks old the other one is supposedly 9-10 weeks old but she’s pretty big. They have fleece bedding. I sweep the poos up every morning. And wash the fleece once a week. The bigger one smells more than the little one. I do want to give them a bath with some safe shampoo soon. Just not right now, they’re not fully tame yet.