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gave my guinea pig xeno50 for 2 days


New Born Pup
Aug 18, 2023
Reaction score
united kingdom
i made the mistake of giving my guinea pig xeno 50 again after i just given it yesterday will anything happen
It would be a good idea to call your vet and check with them. It’s going to depend on their weights and dosages as to whether/how much of an overdose risk.

I hope they are ok
It would be a good idea to call your vet and check with them. It’s going to depend on their weights and dosages as to whether/how much of an overdose risk.

I hope they are ok

so my vet is telling me to use all 5 pipettes (9 per pipette)
It would be a good idea to call your vet and check with them. It’s going to depend on their weights and dosages as to whether/how much of an overdose risk.

I hope they are ok

just called them they said to use all 5 pipettes (9 per pipette) i thought that’s a lot
i did call them and they said i’m suppose to use it all in one go
just called them they said to use all 5 pipettes (9 per pipette) i thought that’s a lot

But not two days running.

It should have been the dose yesterday (so 5 pipettes yesterday) and then the next dose (another 5 pipettes) in two weeks time (and then a third dose (another 5 pipettes) two weeks after that).
How many pipettes did you give yesterday and how many today?

As for the dosing, It’s not necessarily a lot depending on the weight and age of your piggy and then considering the fact it’s xeno 50 and not xeno 450.
Xeno is dosed in weight and when using 50 you can need to use multiple pipettes if your piggy is heavier. It’s actually not always cost effective to do it that way if your piggy is an adult and depending on their weight, and instead it’s better to give part of a xeno 450 pipette.
he’s around a year old, 9 drops yesterday and 9 today, it’s xeno 50 so it’s more diluted. i’m suppose to use all doses in one go, i’m not suppose to wait 2 weeks and give it again it should’ve be all done yesterday apparently. that’s what my vet told me
he’s around a year old, 9 drops yesterday and 9 today, it’s xeno 50 so it’s more diluted. i’m suppose to use all doses in one go, i’m not suppose to wait 2 weeks and give it again it should’ve be all done yesterday apparently. that’s what my vet told me

You cure mites by doing a full course which is three separate treatments with two weeks between each treatment - so it takes six weeks to fully treat mites.

Yes you are supposed to use a lot of pipettes in one go if you are using 50 mini (that’s why it’s not cost effective to use it in adult piggies) as it’s dosed by weight. I don’t know how many drops are in a pipette of 50 (which is why I’m referring to pipettes not drops - I’ve only ever used pipettes of Zeno 450), But he still needs a treatment every two weeks to fully deal with it. If you don’t give him another treatment in two weeks (and then another two weeks after that) then the mites will come back.
Xeno only kills the mites that are already hatched, it does not kill the eggs. In two weeks times the eggs present now will have hatched. He needs then another dose (in two weeks time from yesterday) to kill those mites. Two weeks after that he needs another dose to catch any stragglers and make sure all are fully gone.

So by using mini, if he needs 5 pipettes per dose then you are going to need 15 pipettes in total over the next six weeks to treat him.

How much does he weigh?
How many pipettes did you give him yesterday?
How many pipettes did you give him today?

What I’m trying to get to is if you’ve not given him enough yesterday and therefore he is incredibly underdosed (and therefore it wouldn’t be effective at all) rather than overdosed by giving it two days running.
i bought the ivermectin drops for mites for him, he weighs 1kg

yes that is what xeno is.

Did the vet prescribe it for you?

(Ok then the cut off is 800g for xeno 50 so he could have had the xeno 450 and just used the correct ratio of part of a one pipette per treatment of the xeno 450 rather than multiple pipettes of the 50. It’s much more expensive to use the 50 given he is an older piggy when they need so many pipettes for the full course of three treatments)

How many full pipettes did you give him yesterday?
How many full pipettes did you give him today?
How many full pipettes (not drops) did the vet tell you to give him in one go?

If you didn’t give him enough yesterday then he shouldn’t be at overdose risk by you having given it by mistake again today (it’s that he didn’t have enough yesterday)

He still needs a full course of three separate treatments though with two weeks between each treatment. So if the vet said to give 5 pipettes yesterday, then he will need another 5 pipettes on 1 September, and another 5 pipettes on 15 September. If you don’t do the following two treatments on those dates then you will not have cured the mites and will have to start all over again
i will defo get more pipettes from the vet for him, and they did prescribe it. the amount they given me was for his weight i used all 5 pipettes 9 drops in each one