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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2006
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West Cornwall
My grandmother is having her gastroscopy today with a GA, like I did. It was cancelled just before xmas.

I know it's only a routine investigation, but I also know that an anaesthetic is a risk for anyone, so I am a bit twitchy. Working in the anaesthetic office probably helps though. ;D
Oh dear, all the best thinking of you all :-* :-*

Try not to worry i know how hard it is, i still miss my Grandmother heaps and she's been
gone now for almost 10 years.
If you're lucky to have great relatives like you obviously have they are worth bottling,
my Grandparents were, they were like my parents :-*
O darling. I'm sure your nana will be fine. I know how you feel though. My nana is very special to me too and I would be worried. But I promise she will be fine.
Thinking of you x :-*
Thanks guys. She should have had this done years ago as soon as she got gastro symptoms.

She will have a lovely anaesthetist I am sure ;D
is it similar to endoscopy? every time some one mentions their nan I get all soppy as my darling nan died in 88 and I miss her every single day, give your nan good luck kiss from us all :'( bless her heart whats wrong with her? I've had 2 endoscopys and had twilight sleep which was fine ,
A gastroscopy is an endoscopy of the stomach.

There are many endoscopies - it is a general word meaning to shove a scope somewhere. ;D
mine was for stomach ulcers and I 'm not having one shoved you know where unless i was out for sure lol if they found a stomach ulcer why was it not called a gastroscopy? I'm being a thicko today
Unfortunately she's not at our hosp

Michelle, i posted a reply to you, but it never happened.

Gastroscopies are often called endoscopies although really it is a general term. There are many "oscopies"

Bronchoscopy - lungs
Colonoscopy - Colon
Colposcopy - vagina etc
Good luck to your grandmother - let us know how she gets on x

Ive had a Colposcopy (shudders)
what with seeing ologists and now oscopys what a nightmare :o hows your nan? hope shes ok, I remmeber my first endoscopy i came round to find 5 elderly patients and the Dr went round each one saying you are fine you can go home, then she got to me the last of the 6 and stopped and sat down and said you have gastric ulcers, why me !
Just phoned the hosp in Truro. She will be last on the list, so not until about 5.
Hoping your gran is okay, bless her, I've thankfully never had one but seen a few :-\
She's fine, thanks, everyone.

The stupid endoscopy dept. When I phoned about quarter to 3 and they said she would be the last on the list, she was in theatre ar the time I called!

So she was ready to leave by about half five. She got the results today as well- no cancer!

Just hiatus hernia, which we knew, and a bit of gastritis - poss from her tablets.

Her oesophagus and duodenum were fine.
WHEW that's just great news, glad to hear all is treatable.
That really bugs me when you call and they give you the wrong info, happened when my Dad was in for
heart surgery a couple of years ago, had me worried outta my wits with the waiting time >:(
Oh thank goodness. I'm so glad she's ok. Please give her my love and take a big hug for yourself too :-*
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