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Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
Hello all,

just a quick question. I am not very well at the moment, with sickness and diarrhoea. However, the cage is really due to be cleaned out... Hubby cant do it as he is allergic to the piggies. I was just worried if bugs of that sort could be passed on to my piggies? I know that the common cold can be passed on, so I thought Id ask and see what you thought... do you think there is a risk of passing on a stomach bug to the guinea pigs? I really need to clean them out but obviously dont want to handle them if I could give them the bug...

Wear rubber gloves and use a disinfectant as long as you dont cuddle them they should be fine
thank you.

what do you think I should use as a disinfectant? I have been told that with this sort of bug normal disinfectants (alcohol based etc) wont do much good, and to use chlorine based disinfectants (such as bleach). But as far as I know the fumes from anything bleachy are bad for the piggies? Do you think just leaving the cage to air for a bit before putting them back in should be sufficient?
People on here would disagree but I wouldnt use bleach its too risky. I would use a pet one or white vinegar or failing them Dettol as it kills everything e.coli the lot and let that dry.
I wouldn't worry too much about it. I'm fairly sure guineas can't pick anything like that up from us. Could be wrong however!

But just wash your hands before handling them, & keep handling them to a minimum.
I would still use a small animal disinfectant or white vinegar and water as suggested as these are definately safe for guineas :)
dnt breath there you go sorted lol O0 O0

I wudntworry 2 much when i get a cold and i pick my pigs up they never get anything mind you tht might be jst me so.
Usally when i am ill tho mum does my duities ily mummy lol.
Anz x
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