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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 4, 2019
Reaction score
Carbondale, Illinois
Penelope had her teeth trimmed last week. Took her awhile to “bounce” back from it and she has now been experiencing pain of sorts. Sitting puffy a lot. She is acting normal except when in her sleep area. She sits very puffy. I should add that she’s not always puffy when sitting. It is very off and on.

I’ve emailed the vet and started her on metoclopramide & meloxicam plus her regular heart meds. I was thinking it may be gas as I’ve felt some bubbles in her belly occasionally. I’ve been getting her out and doing tummy taps and she seemed to have been feeling better. She was barely puffy at all today and was running around on the floor. Also started eating hay a lot more.

However, tonight it seems like she’s back in pain. She’s sitting super puffy again. Her poops have turned kinda soft. They go from normal to soft, back to back. I have her out and doing tummy taps but it’s just confusing. Not sure if it is gas causing her issues but the soonest I could get her into the vet is Tuesday. It seems she starts doing better and then bam pain again. Is this Normal for gas? Her belly is not hard and hasn’t been hard even when feeling those bubbles earlier.
Bloat is exceptionally painful for piggies and it’s a bit of a roller coaster. It comes and goes in waves. Please stop all fresh veg until the bloat has passed and continue with the meds. I’m linking the guides to bloating which contain lots of practical advice for you. The important thing is to keep the guts moving with syringe feeding.

Bloat is exceptionally painful for piggies and it’s a bit of a roller coaster. It comes and goes in waves. Please stop all fresh veg until the bloat has passed and continue with the meds. I’m linking the guides to bloating which contain lots of practical advice for you. The important thing is to keep the guts moving with syringe feeding.

Hi, thank you for your response. I’ll take a look at those.
She seems to be feeling okay as of now. She’s out running around and has been eating hay consistently now. She also hasn’t lost any weight. Her poops have also went back to being normal. It seems when she gets to be in pain and is very puffy, her poops turn much softer during those episodes. I also wasn’t sure because her belly hasn’t been hard at all this entire time. It does make more sense because it seems to be coming and going in waves like you mentioned.
She had floor time again and seemed completely fine. Passing normal poop, wandering around & chatting about. Then she went to her little tunnel and sat there and got super puffy and uncomfortable and started passing softer stools. It seems that the soft poop and the pain are going hand in hand. She’s also acting completely normal but then that happens. 😖