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Gammy looking nose


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 27, 2021
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Hi all. Pleased to say Len and Martin have been doing well in their separate cages and although they are still occasionally teeth chattering at each other, it's quietened right down.
Both recently (friday) had a full, clear health check but as seems to be our luck, Len has developed an odd patch on his nose.
We have sent pics to the vets and will await a call back tomorrow but Dr. Google suggests it could be ringworm?
Bit baffled as to where he could have got it from, considering he's not been near another piggie/animal since coming here over 3 weeks ago.
Anybody got any experience of this?
Seems like we've spent the best part of 2021 in the vets 😪


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Ringworm can easily be brought in from contact with contaminated objects. It’s a 10-14 day incubation period but you may never know how he got it. Ringworm spores can live in the environment for well over a year so it’s now a case of being very thorough with the hygiene.
Hi all. So the vet contacted us and advised it was probably an injury and to watch for a week or so. Since then the patch has grown and he now has a little hairless, white, scabby nose. We went back to the vets today who looked at it under UV and said it didn't look like ringworm and felt our other pig (who lives separatelt) or us would have it by now. He said he felt it was still an injury/rubbing. We have never see him rub or scratch his nose and my partner works in a room with him all day every day.
Martin recently went it for scratching and we were told it was dandruff and recommended dandruff shampoo, but they gave him a spot of something on his neck to be safe. Since then Martin has stopped itching and we didn't even give him the shampoo, so guessed whatever they gave him worked.
My question is, what do we do now? I have a colleague who is a seasoned piggy mum, who has offered to give us some imvectim? To try, however I am worried, if its ringworm, then we should be washing everything and the vet hasn't given us anything in case it is that.
I know there are other vets bit we have spent so much over the last month or so (if you read through my other threads, we've had a real run of bad luck) and we can't afford to go elsewhere at the moment.
Should we try some caneston? Some invective? Or just wait and see? Len is healthy and happy otherwise and has come out of his shell and put on weight (now looking very potatoey!)
Thanks I'm advance!


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I know it’s tough but I would try and get him seen by another bet who’s experienced in treating guinea pigs. It’s not a good idea for you to treat with ivermectin from your friend, or anything else. You don’t know exactly what it is and doing so could make things worse and clean the crime scene so to speak.

Perhaps speak to the vets and see if you can set up a payment plan. The longer you leave it, the worse it can get. And that would possibly result in spending more money than now. Hope you can get it sorted somehow 🙂

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I agree that you should not try to treat your piggy without a correct diagnosis, but may be you could go to a different vet?
Not all types of ringworm can be detected with UV. And yes, it is contagiuous, but that doesn't mean that one piggy can't suffer from ringworm if the other one (and you) don't show any symptomes.

Ringworm and mange/mites both can be stress related. Stress has a negative influence on the immune system and a stressed animal is more likely to be affected by ringworm or skin parasites. So you need to see a vet who can tell the difference (and not diagnose 'dandruff') and treat your piggy in the right way. Please ask the vet what medication they use, because with the use of Ivermectin it is vital that it is not given once, but three time - each time 7 to 10 days apart. But may be they used a different medication with Martin, since it seems to have worked with one application.

Good luck! 🍀
Hi all. Just a good news update on Len...his nose made a miraculous recovery on its own. It seemed to coincide with the removal of a chew log on the side of his cage so we think we had been enjoying it so much he rubbed all his nose hair off!
No ringworm, or mites and I can cuddle him again, which is fab 😊
They haven't been teeth chattering at eachother now for a few weeks so we are going to move their cages next to eachother too. 🤞