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Gabapentin withdrawal


Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 8, 2021
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Those with piggies who used to be on gabapentin how quickly did you reduce the dose please? The vet has given me some guidance but it's partly up to me on how I do it. Nancy is squeaking in pain still but we are questioning if it's doing more harm than good.
How did you get on? We’re 2 days in to starting the treatment and I am not yet convinced that it’s working yet. At the moment it seems Chips would be happy to miss the 1.2ml 3 times a day.
How did you get on? We’re 2 days in to starting the treatment and I am not yet convinced that it’s working yet. At the moment it seems Chips would be happy to miss the 1.2ml 3 times a day.
1.2ml seems a lot. Is he on a lower strength? Nancy is on 0.25ml twice a day. Max is normally 0.3 three times a day. Nancy used to be on 0.3ml but we got it down a dose. I'm not currently able to get her on any lower because she keeps having flare ups. Nancy has IC.

Why is chip on it?
How did you get on? We’re 2 days in to starting the treatment and I am not yet convinced that it’s working yet. At the moment it seems Chips would be happy to miss the 1.2ml 3 times a day.
I was told it takes 7/10 days to start seeing a difference. That dose does seem high my boys are prescribed .13 up to 3 times a day when they need it. It does depend on the piggies weight my boys are 1.2kg. Do you mean .12?
1.2ml - so 1 and a fifth of a small syringe of the 50mg/ml oral solution. Other concentrations are available.