Future Piggy Help Needed Please

Best kept together

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New Born Pup
Oct 27, 2016
Reaction score
Lingfield Surrey
Hello everyone, I'm new here.
I used to own a Guinea Pig years ago, but since then I adopted a rabbit. I lost him a couple of days ago, he was 14 years old and I had had him 12 of those years. Miss him so much, however I've always wanted a herd of piggies. Since losing my bun I think I'd like to make that dream come true.

So I have a few questions if some of you don't mind helping me with. I know a lot of the basics I believe but never had more than a couple of them.

My hutch is 7 foot long by 3 foot wide, it's also tall inside but I can't remember how high, maybe 3 feet or so... (Hubby made it for me ;) )

Would this size be alright for 3 maybe 4 piggies? (Maybe more I really have no idea about this, so throw your words at me haha) I do have a run as well.

I was told girls are the best to keep in a herd. Then someone else told me boys are fine too... then someone else said "No way!" to boys being together... Anyone care to share their thoughts here?

Let's say whichever gender I go with, If there are say only two girls in one litter, am I safe buying another girl same sort of age somewhere else and putting her with the first two? (Same sort of time)

I'm sure I had more questions... but now I can't remember them... Sorry if these are really stupid questions, but I just want to do things right and I'd rather ask piggy people than pet shops.

Thank you all in advance, any thoughts welcome.
two boars can work together but you couldn't add either girls or more boys to this. I have a neutered boy with ten girls and two boys together (one neutered, one not, long story) They are in a cage above the herd at the moment and hoping they will continue to be fine together when the baby matures.If you have any rescues nearby they may be able to provide a few that are either bonded or they can bond for you. You could have a neutered boar with some ladies as my herd is . My herd is in 28 square foot and my boys in a 154x78 cage.I think you could get away with a herd of eight in 21 square foot but there is a cage size guide to double check that. Because it is so high you could even add a second level with ramps for extra enrichment. Please be aware that If you have a large number of guinea pigs together that if one gets ill it could transfer to all of the herd which is a lot of vets bills. I would also have a spare cage in case you need to separate any.Hope this helps
I agree, if you want more than 2 then you need sows, not boars. Or one neutered boar and the rest sows.
The size sounds fine for 3 or possibly 4, but check the guidelines as mentioned above. From what ive read, 4 is a safer number than 3 as it prevents one from being singled out. So if you get 2 sows from one litter, try get another 2 from another litter rather than a single. They dont have to all be the same age.
Hello everyone, I'm new here.
I used to own a Guinea Pig years ago, but since then I adopted a rabbit. I lost him a couple of days ago, he was 14 years old and I had had him 12 of those years. Miss him so much, however I've always wanted a herd of piggies. Since losing my bun I think I'd like to make that dream come true.

So I have a few questions if some of you don't mind helping me with. I know a lot of the basics I believe but never had more than a couple of them.

My hutch is 7 foot long by 3 foot wide, it's also tall inside but I can't remember how high, maybe 3 feet or so... (Hubby made it for me ;) )

Would this size be alright for 3 maybe 4 piggies? (Maybe more I really have no idea about this, so throw your words at me haha) I do have a run as well.

I was told girls are the best to keep in a herd. Then someone else told me boys are fine too... then someone else said "No way!" to boys being together... Anyone care to share their thoughts here?

Let's say whichever gender I go with, If there are say only two girls in one litter, am I safe buying another girl same sort of age somewhere else and putting her with the first two? (Same sort of time)

I'm sure I had more questions... but now I can't remember them... Sorry if these are really stupid questions, but I just want to do things right and I'd rather ask piggy people than pet shops.

Thank you all in advance, any thoughts welcome.

Hi and welcome!

I am very sorry for your loss! That is a good age for a bunny! You are welcome to post a tribute in our Rainbow Bridge section if you wish to.

Your hutch is large enough for 4-5 piggies. Please make sure that your hutch is well out of the cold, wet and wind during the winter months and out of full sun in summer; especially during heat waves.
Cage Size Guide

You can look for either all sows, or sows and one neutered boar if you'd like both genders. The latter imitates the way they are wired to live, so you have the piggy instincts working for you, not against you.
Full boars work either as pairs or then in large bachelor groups, ideally over 10 boars. Trios and small groups are very unstable and prone to fall-outs, and not recommended at all.
Boars, sows or mixed pairs; babies or adults?

If you can, please consider getting your piggies from a good rescue. That way, you can be assured that your piggies are guaranteed not pregnant (any incoming sows undergo a mandatory pregnancy watch), are properly sexed and healthy (which includes a quarantine and any necessary medical care). You also have the support of the rescue during the whole life time of their adopted piggies, so you can neatly avoid any of the usual pitfalls that can await the unwary using shops or backyard breeders. As many rescues often take in pregnant piggies, you could think about enquiring for a little family group. Not all rescues have got neutered boars, so that is more of an extra. We can provide a link to recommended rescues in some other countries if wished, but our recommended good standard UK rescues locator is on the top bar.

A lot has changed in the last few years in the piggy world. I think that you will find it fascinating catching up! We have got lots of guides on a wide range of topics at the top of our various Care sections, but you are always welcome to ask any questions you may have in there. We will answer them all in a friendly manner!
Here are our wannabe and new owners starter guides collections, which you may find helpful:
Quick Information Bundle For Wannabe Owners
" Starter Kit" Of Information Threads For New Owners

Since we have got members from all over the world, we find it very helpful if you please added your country, state/province or UK county to your details, so we can always tailor any advice to what is available and relevant where you are and help you with local tips and recommendations if at all possible. Click on your username on the top, then got to personal details and scroll down to location. Thank you!
Your bunny lived to a great age and I am very sorry for your loss.

As others have stated, If you are going for a herd of pigs please note that you should only do the following combinations

- 1 boar (neutered) with as many sows as you like.
- 2 boars (intact)
- As many sows as you want.

You cannot reliably put more than 2 boars together due to the large chance of a fall out as they age. If you put a neutered boar in with sows it must only be one boar as multiple boars will fight around ladies.
So if you want a trio or more without the trouble of neutering a male then I would say go with sows.
Thank you so much everyone for your words of wisdom, some fantastic advice here, just what I was looking for.

I have already thought of rescue first and have been looking around. My bunny George was a rescue. (Most of my animals are) So I think it would be nice to carry on rescuing.

I got my boys ashes back the other day and have been thinking about this alot. I have a bunny named Mario that I rescued a year ago. He lived in the hutch under George (Same size) so my plan is the have him neutered and try and pair him up with a nice lady friend. He is a very friendly boy himself, he was bullied by his liter mates and had to be removed and had stiches, that's when I came across him. I know it will take some time what with getting him over his op. Plus finding a girl and slowly introducing them.

So I find that the perfect time to do all my research on piggies and catch up with what I have missed over the years. Plus seek out rescues, maybe get my name on a waiting list for a family. I'm from the UK, so I'm sure somewhere out there is the perfect gang of girls for me...

Now, off to read links and more pages on this amazing group! :D
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