Furby is obsessed with Jives backside

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 27, 2009
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Furby has been chasing Jive all morning with her head nearly under Jive's running away bottom! She had a respiratory infection and finished her antibiotics yesterday. I have never seen her do this before it is quite odd!

any ideas what she is upto?rolleyes
Maybe now the respiratory problem is gone she can smell again and is just trying to reaquaint herself with certain smells?

By the way straw grasping is an olympic sport for me, I'm sure someone with some helpful suggestions will be along soon.
I thought if she was after poop because her tummy was still upset she would bother both Jive and Cottonbud, but she is only interested in Jive?
Furby has been chasing Jive all morning with her head nearly under Jive's running away bottom! She had a respiratory infection and finished her antibiotics yesterday. I have never seen her do this before it is quite odd!

any ideas what she is upto?rolleyes

My pig Poppy did this ALOT to her friend Penelope when I first got them and it seemed to last for days at a time where Poppy wouldnt leave Penelopes poor bum alone!

Thankfully shes stopped doing it now but its still a mystery as to why she did it rolleyes
Fred does this to the girls but I know what he's after :))... maybe Furby's confused!

Could she be in Season?
Our girl Gloria does this to other girl Moe, infact she has been doing it mostly today, we have learnt its because she is in season. Every couple of weeks she gets a fascination with Moe's bum and chases it round the run. She even tried mounting her last time, what she thought she would do if she actually got on her ive no idea haha :)
maybe she is coming into season and thus sticking by her man..... he is getting rather annoyed with her! rolleyes although it is ok for him to chase the girls non stop typical man!
Furby is most probably coming into season!
ok i just assumed it would be the boy chasing the girl! Furby is obviously a hussy rolleyes
Some dominant girls can be... malletheadmalletheadmallethead

Brace yourself for a couple of probably rather lively days; newly bonded cross gender groups tend to have more pronounced seasons at first - it's part of the group bonding, I assume.
On the other hand, Furby will hopefully be more accepting of Tango afterwards...
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