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Funny Eyes

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Cavy Lover

Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score

This may not be serious but better safe then sorry. Peaches may beautiful boar has funny eyes. Normally you can just see black and that is all. But with Peaches in the middle is black. Then it is a kind of greeny colour and the you can just see the whites of his eyes. I don't know if this is normal but I was just checking. Maybe I am just be over protective. Thanks anyway.
Yes I did here that and they are beautiful. But there is only a bit if white and mostly black with a ring of green and then a ring of white.
Ok here we go. They are not that good. But best I could.



It is only in the one eye. Maybe it is normal but my other pigs don't have it.
Perfect thanks. I love blue eyed pigs. You can definitely see it in this pic.

I love when pigs give you ' The Look '

This may not be serious but better safe then sorry. Peaches may beautiful boar has funny eyes. Normally you can just see black and that is all. But with Peaches in the middle is black. Then it is a kind of greeny colour and the you can just see the whites of his eyes. I don't know if this is normal but I was just checking. Maybe I am just be over protective. Thanks anyway.

Could you please post a picture? https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/how-to-post-photos.112751/
It doesn't look unusual to me; the outer rim (iris) can have a slightly different colour. More common is brown or black, blue is rare, but sometimes it can be a paler shade.
Looks normal to me! My Tyler has a blue eye, the other is black same as the fur on that side (see avatar).
This is his blue eye, not the best pic, phone battery low, it's actually quite bright blue but you get the idea :)

IMAG1569.webp IMAG1565.webp
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