I've told this story before but, Christmas just over a decade ago, and I was still living in Northern Ireland, and apparently I had to go to my parents house for Christmas. this meant sneaking the guineas and their cages in because their dog at the time was a bit daft, not aggressive but would've killed them trying to play. Now, Jake could be a bit demanding, and by a bit, I mean he was the greatest alarm clock I ever had and he knew when I was half a second late with breakfast. Which, on Christmas morning, I was. 7am. Now I had my headphones in listening to music, I'd had a bout of the flu recently and my sleep was still skewed so I woke up at like 3am. I missed Jake's alarm. Do you know who didn't miss the alarm? The dog, sleeping in the next room. Suddenly she was aware of an intruder in the home and was frantically barking to let everyone know. Jake, being used to dogs barking (I shared a wall with a house, home to two rottweilers), was unfazed by this, and simply started shrieking louder to make sure he was heard.
Did i mention this all went down at 7am?
Nobody was particularly pleased at this wake up call. Guineas were fed, the dog was quietened but forever perplexed, and I thought the whole thing was hilarious. Ah Jake, you melter.