Fun things to get guinea pigs


New Born Pup
Jan 3, 2025
Reaction score
United States
I’m wondering what hideouts/toys most people’s guinea pigs like best, mine don’t seem to like toys I have got them one type they loved the apple wood chew toys but I’m wanting more ideas of fun things to get them
I would recommend a carrot cottage! We get ours at our local garden centre and the piggies love it.

I would recommend a carrot cottage! We get ours at our local garden centre and the piggies love it.

Thank you, that actually seems like something mine would love also, I haven’t though about edible hideouts but that is a good idea
The only commercial item I buy mine is the odd carrot cottage.
Most commercial toys are ignored - piggies don’t play like that.
Best enrichment for piggies comes from mental stimulation - large hay piles for them to forage in, beg hidden in those hay piles along with cardboard boxes etc filled with hay.
The only commercial item I buy mine is the odd carrot cottage.
Most commercial toys are ignored - piggies don’t play like that.
Best enrichment for piggies comes from mental stimulation - large hay piles for them to forage in, beg hidden in those hay piles along with cardboard boxes etc filled with hay.
Yea, I have got mine some toys and stuff and they don’t touch them but they like this log things I got that I put hay in and then they get it out, if I were them I would just eat from the pile of hay near it but they prefer getting it out of the log
I give mine a HUGE haypile to run in, run through, make a hay tunnel out of, eat, sleep, wee in, poo in and hide in!

Here is Bramble.
Bramble hiding in hay.webp

Here is Thea
Thea Hay Pile 6.webp
As above, the most loved items seem to be cardboard boxes and massive piles of hay, which worked well for me as they were very cheap and easy to get hold of in large quantities. The favourite toy was a large box full of hay with a small amount of forage sprinkled inside as a treat. :)
Teebo in hay.webp
Mine always liked the largest size of stick tunnels from Pets at Home (Pets at Home Woodlands Playsticks Large | Pets) and the Trixie wooden platform went down well too, although I'd make my own in future as it was quite poor quality and stuck together with glue and nails (Shelter and Platform).

One piggy really loved this small animal bed (Pets at Home Small Animal Hoody Bed Spotty | Pets), although I'd buy from independent sellers on Etsy etc. in future, as there's a wider range of colours and styles.