Teenage Guinea Pig
My guineapig Noodle is in such a bad mood with me I'm full of cold so literally just going in and sitting near them and talking to them. My partners helping by giving them their food and water but I don't want them to get upset and feel like I've abandoned them My voice has gone too so when I talk to her she just looks at me puzzled! I had friends over at the weekend for a small party and Noodle really didn't like it, now she won't come out of her hiding home unless I am there and have food. Obviously with me being ill I don't want to get them poorly just don't know what to do she really doesn't seem herself ! My other piggy MoMo is completely fine! Any tips on how to care for your guineapigs without getting them ill when you have a cold? She really is my baby My partner told me not to be so silly but I can't help but worry I usually go and sit in there for a while throughout the day and they go in their run and get their veggies and hay so maybe she is just confused that her routine has changed?!