Fudge On Her Own

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 9, 2011
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I had to have my gorgeous girl PTS yesterday which has left her sister alone. I know it's early days but at the minute she seems ok eating normally popcorning enjoying treats and fuss. She's nearly 5 yrs old and always slept a lot during the day but I keep worrying is she lonely. My mum popped in this morning to see if she was ok and she had a slice of cucumber and was fine. I work 3 days a week so am with her the other days and I'm always chatting to her but I can't stop worrying!
I am so sorry for your loss :( I would keep an eye on her weight, weigh her daily at the same time for a couple of weeks. Do you think she needs a friend?
To be honest at the moment she seems ok she's sleeping at the mo but that's not unusual for her she's a sleepy one. She was munching in hay when I came home, ate her usual plate of food and came out wheeking for it. If she goes off her food I'll know something's wrong because in the 5yrs of having her she's never been off her food lol. I think I'm more worried than she is. I still can't get my head around seeing just her in the cage it makes the tears start every blooming time!
Awww I know that feeling :( My avatar piggy lost her last friend in November, she was fine at first but I noticed around Christmas she wasn't doing as much, just eating & sleeping more :( She is almost 5 as well. We then took her to a Rescue & found a little friend for her & she is so much more active now & no longer quiet, they seem to be getting on well so far, in fact she seems to have a new lease of life :)
I know it's early days but fingers crossed she'll be ok as I'm at that stage where I really don't want anymore piggies after these two I've loved these two to bits. Everything food wise I keep saying to myself truffle would have loved this it's so hard isn't it. Fudge has been out had a few spinach leaves, jumped in both hay trays, had some pellets, had a big fuss and is now hiding under her fleece eating Timothy hay lol. Thanks for your support xx
I am so sorry to hear this :( So awful isn't it. You go through the pain of losing one and immediately the fear and concern over the one left.... It is sounding positive honestly, normally they go off food and are withdrawn quite soon after. So all good signs especially the wheeking.

Sorry again for your loss x
I am so sorry to hear this :( So awful isn't it. You go through the pain of losing one and immediately the fear and concern over the one left.... It is sounding positive honestly, normally they go off food and are withdrawn quite soon after. So all good signs especially the wheeking.

Sorry again for your loss x
Thank you x this is the first piggie I've lost and I'm so attached to them. Truffle was the unlucky one when it came to vet visits but fudge has been so different she's 5yrs old and has never been to a vets! They were sisters and fudge is the one who seemed to have the more of a stronger personality so I'm hoping she'll be ok. She's in the dining room/lounge so is with us all the time I know we aren't substitutes for piggies but we are always chatting to her x
It is hard and PTS brings about a vile sense of guilt. We have had four of our girls PTS over the years it never gets eaiser but it is the last bit of love we can show them to help them when they need it the most.

The two piggies in my avatar were out first, Pitch on the right and Putt on the left. Pitch had to be PTS due to root issues and Putt then lived happily on her own for a year as a single piggy she had a few health issues that meant we decided this was best for her. She actually thrived on her own so it does happen. Hugs and love to Fudge x
Thank you so much the thing I feel most guilty about and what I can't stop thinking about is that I was trying to syringe feed her every few hours and she was so weak and thin yet I was wrapping her in a towel trying to make her eat and I feel that's her last memory of life. I'm in tears again just thinking about it.
Thank you so much the thing I feel most guilty about and what I can't stop thinking about is that I was trying to syringe feed her every few hours and she was so weak and thin yet I was wrapping her in a towel trying to make her eat and I feel that's her last memory of life. I'm in tears again just thinking about it.

hey, try not to dwell on the last hours. You were trying to do what was right for her to help her and she would have known that.

Life is not measured by the last distressing moments, the life of our piggies is measured by the love we had for them the care we gave to them. The last moments of distress or pain do not outweigh a life of love and when the time comes there is rarely anything we can do but our best to help them which you did. I know how you feel as we lost Cookie quite distressingly before Christmas and it plays on your mind..

Truffle would have know how much you loved her, you did all you could right to the end and when she needed you the most you helped her across the bridge. The pain does fade I promise, it does get easier and the memories of the final few hours will be replaced with happy ones.
Thank you so much I know your right. When I first had piggies I never imagined I would be so attached but they have such wonderful little characters. I'm off work from today until Monday so least I'll be able to be with fudge. Thanks again for your kind words xx
I'm sorry for your loss. It's good that Fudge seems to be doing well so far... keep an eye on her food intake and her weight and her behavior to see how she is adjusting. Just out of pairs I've had, it seems like when the dominant pig is the one left they handle it better. When we lost a subordinate pig, the dominant pig seemed a bit subdued but otherwise behaved normally; however, when we lost a dominant pig the subordinate pig was very distressed!
Thanks freela yes I always knew if truffle went first then fudge would be the strongest one. She still seems fine eating hay, pellets & treats. She sleeps quite a lot but that's normal for her
I'm glad I'm at home now until Monday so can keep an eye on her. I'm still missing my little ginger fur ball like mad but am feeling a little less emotional today. x
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