Fudge Has Badly Torn Ear.

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Julie M

Forum Donator 2023/24
Jun 9, 2014
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I've had to separate peanut and Fudge. I think they may have been fighting. I'm totally devastated as they were getting on so well with no apparent aggression but when I went to check on them all tonight Fudges ear was badly torn. (Top to bottom) I'm not sure if it's a bite or he's caught it on something. He's been to the vets and got a cream for it, and she's not sure either if it's a bite or caught on something. However when I put them together after the vets they were rearing at each other puffing air so I separated them. :no::(
:hmm: Oh dear! It sounds like Peanut and Fudge have had a major falling-out. I think it will have to be separate cages from now on. Sorry!
Well the age groups fit. Peanut will be about 8/9 months. (He was a Christmas pet shop piggie) I think they will remain separated better safe than sorry. I will monitor and see if they are ok alone (they can see each other through a bit of the bars.)
Poor Fudge was out for cuddles and to get his cream on again tonight. He is trying to get through the divider to Peanut. Peanut is rumbling loudly at him through the bars. ;(
Poor Fudge was out for cuddles and to get his cream on again tonight. He is trying to get through the divider to Peanut. Peanut is rumbling loudly at him through the bars. ;(
Ah it's a shame your piggies have fallen out. I had the same with my boys. I bought them as a pair and they'd been living happily together in the pet shop for about 5 months. They then lived together at mine with no problems for about 6 weeks, until one evening during floor time they started teeth chattering at each other, and rumble strutting. Then suddenly they started fighting badly. I separated them and have tried several ways, and several times, to get them re-bonded but sadly no luck. They now live in separate cages right next to each other, and they both seem very happy. :nod: They can almost touch noses through the bars, and they know each other are there so they have company. It's a bit more work, with 2 cages to clean and 2 lots of floor time! But they're worth it! :D
Sorry your piggies fell out too. They are little terrors aren't they. I will have 3 lots of floortime now. And 3 cages to clean daily. :twist: But we still love them.
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