Frightened One Of My Piggies - Feel Really Bad About It!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 27, 2016
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Ughh so last night I was petting William in their cage and he nipped my finger (he was a really crabby piggy last night, he was chattering at Angus too) and I did a loud, sharp EH noise and I think I frightened him. I didn't mean to, I just got a fright (thought the biting was behind us now!) and it's the noise we sometimes do to the dog - in dog language, a sharp sound like that means no - so it was just out of habit. William seems to be in a bad mood with me this morning so I feel really bad. Do you think I will be able to gain his trust back?
It's horrible when you give them a fright isn't it. I've done it loads of times, most recently being Thursday when I was going to walk out of their cage, I didn't lift my leg up high enough and I caught the grids with my foot. The cage fell apart and the two of them scattered instantly. I just left them to it, whilst talking in a calm voice to reassure them and put some coriander in the box they were hiding in. They were a bit nervous for a few hours but they were fine after a while.

Piggies are usually very forgiving if food is involved :))
They loooove apple but they rarely get it so apple for dinner it is. Hopefully that will make him stop giving me the stink eye! Thanks :)
Awww, don't beat yourself up, I'm sure he's forgotten about it already! Keep an eye on him though if he's a bit grumpy or quiet incase he's feeling poorly :3 xx
He's probably just in a grump as he didn't get the reaction he wanted to his biting. Fingers crossed he got the message, he'll get over it.
We've all scared them at some point, don't beat yourself up about it. Hopefully with a bit of bribery all will be well again.
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