Friday Night With My Girls

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 24, 2015
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My two oldies Fudge and Crunchie enjoyed roaming around the living room last night whilst i was snuggled on the sofa! At 7.5 and 5.5 years, they still like to run around! You can see Crunchie's (the ginger absynian) typical aby personality in the video, and also fudges submissive "follow the leader" little quirks!

Both where at the vets yesterday as crunchie is really suffering with her bladder, and it was decided she will be operated on on tuesday to completely flush it out. Its a major op, yet last night she perked up loads.. If she doesnt spot blood over the weekend i may discuss putting the op off for now, as it is a risk if its not necessary. Fudge is having a fluid flare from her heart failure but have tweaked her meds and shes breathing easier. You can see her hair loss in the video, this has been investigated and is either caused by hormones or just general age from being so old and on so much medication for her heart.

Poppet and Rowan are no longer babies as you can see! They had cuddles on the sofa with me as they can still get spooked at times, especially in an open space as large as the living room!




Wonderful photos Adelle! :love:
Thank you! I hope crunchies attempts at popcorning made you laugh too.. Shes some girl!

It did, it's like a twitch bless her. I always think what a beautiful colour she is
Poppet and Rowan are such lovely guinea pigs.

Good to see the old ladies having a lovely potter round the lounge.
Fabulous photos and video. Love Crunchie's half popcorns. Lovely to see them enjoying themselves.
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