free range house pig fun

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my piggie ash is a free roamer ... i let him wander in the house ...he's potty trained and the house is completely pig proofed
i've recently gotten him home from the local rescue centre and he's just been neutered and i'm letting him settle before i find him a laydee
just wondered if i'm alone in the plight of the house pig ...or if there is anyone else out there
also- if so ...what do you use and where for your guinea pigs comfort zone-i.e hidey hole?
My guineas live inside in c&c...I dont really think guineas would enjoy having the run of the house tbh....too much space scares the poop out of them...and id be forever scared of stepping on them! :o ;D ;D

Then again, saying that our recently passed Harry would have loved having the run of the house, he was a right bossy little boggler :smitten: :smitten: 0:)
mine are also in a c&c i dont think they would appreciate having a staffordshire bull terrier chasing them around the house ;D
Delilah runs around my room. She really RUNS! Popcorns everywhere and doesn't stop wheeking. We have to watch her though and then she goes back into her normal c&c cage lol ;D
when i say house i should say flat i suppose... its got 4 large rooms , of which he'd be free to wander...
i've also made him a hidey hole for when he doesn't want to wander (below)
the only other pet i have is a syrian hamster so thats not going to be a problem, and its just me so its not like there is anyone else that might not notice him
i'd have thought the more room the better ?

Hmmm well with guineas I know a lot of people dont agree with them having too much space, as they are natural prey, so it can cause more harm than good, but like i say, depends on the piggies personality :)

And is he litter trained? :o
I can't give my pigs the full run of the house as I've two daughters. I can see Caitlin who is 2 eating pig poo! To be honest, with having the girls I've got to be hygenie conscious and I don't think pigs running around with them is ideal.

But there just my thoughts, we are all different. :)
he's super human social...he likes to spend all of the time he's allowed to in my company..he loves cuddles etc
like i said before its just me, and he'd not be walking on the kitchen sides or anything - plus yes , he is litter trained
Mine have the run of the lounge but take it in turns, 8 boars in 4 pairs. When I first got Lennie a year ago, like yours he was a lone pig and he was free range. Once he settled, he loved it. He had a hutch but it was open 24/7 and he used to pee in there but I laid towels under the couch and he pooped under there a lot ;D

All mine are in large c & c's and I think Lennie was quite miffed that he had to share his floor time with the others :D
I think it's lovely that he can free roam, I'm sure as a responsible piggie parent you (as you say) would ensure your home is pig proof.

I know Peter Gurney had a free roamer and he wrote about him with great affection. It seems it's not for every owner and does depend upon the pig's personality. So many of us have other pets or children it's just a non-starter I'm afraid. I certainly have one piggie here who would love to free roam all the time, she's not scared of anything! Bless her xx

I would give him the choice of houses and hidey holes, they always seem to choose a corner to snuggle up in, maybe you could put a few round the flat and see which one he prefers. Even cardboard boxes are favourites.

He's a lovely looking piggie, I'm sure you'll keep him safe. Hope you choose a rescue too when it comes to getting him a girlfriend. O0
i think its good too that he gets to roam as much as he likes if the house is piggy proof! I'm sure munchie and bob would love that, but both like to throw their weight around, so i occasionaly let them free range under supervision as they can break through barriers i make. also bob tried to help himself to a wii cable ;D but couldnt let them free range all the time

ash is an adorable piggy by the way, i love the photos of him in the breeds section :smitten: :smitten:
thanks , the house has been specifically proofed- i actually proofed it for a syrian hamster to free range , so there are seriously NO holes he could get stuck in. The cables are all protected by rubber tubing...took me ages but is well worth it. Also- he does have other hidey holes :) he's a little wooden one that came with him from the rescue centre, but i'm not so keep on wood because its so easy for it to store bugs..i'll ween him off of it eventually.
As for the litter training... its a case of finding where they like to go the best , getting a litter tray and (if you can ) soiled bedding..mixed with fresh litter...thus making it obvious where to go. It takes time, and accidents happen, but its helpful, even if piggies are caged, to keep soiling to one area...
and yus , i volunteer at the rescue centre ash is from so when he gets himself a bird...she'll be from there too O0

he spends most of the time in the kitchen , but goes to the living room when i'm cooking... basically he choses where he goes..which is cool by me. I replaced all of the carpets with lino/laminate so that free ranging was ok, but i've fleeces and beds all over the place :o
I thinks its fab that your piggy can roam free around the flat! I would love mine to be able to do that but they would have 2 cats chasing after them (or rather the piggies would be chasing them around the flat) :smitten:
i think its fantastic and why not i think its brill its not the first house pig ive herard of that has the run of the house ||!
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