Free range, good idea or terrible idea?

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Sep 26, 2011
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Out of interest, what are people's thoughts on allowing their piggies to go free range in the home?

Does it work? Is it a nightmare? Do piggies like it or loath it?

Obviously would be difficult if you lived in a huge house, but what about an apartment?

This question is of course assuming that all precautions have been taken, the place had been piggy proofed and no live electric cables would be available for nibbling! hehe.

So long as they are supervised it is a good idea, put some toys and food down for them, they'll probably freeze the first time you do it, but as they do it more often they will get used to it and enjoy it, mine go crazy when they get roam time, they run so fast, popcorn and follow each other around in a piggy train its really funny. The old downside is that they will chew and they poo all over the place lol.
I would worry that their pee etc would end up under furniture (if they peed next to it) that might not be moveable .... eg cabinets or wardrobes or something.... and it could get smelly.... I could be being a bit of a freak even thinking of that but thats what would worry me...

i let mine out for free range time. i dont really piggy proof it as such just block off the sofa so they cant hide beside it. (i live in a 2 bed flat)

i find they tend to either hide under a chair in the living room or in the corner of my bedroom so i put towels down in those 2 places. they wait at the front of the cage until i open it and away they go.

i have 2 that hide behind the tv but dont chew the wires just lay there.

just remember not to dish up your dinner before feeding them, i did once and had 4 stalk me into the living room whilst wheeking and phoebe attempted to climb my trouser leg! until i fed them.
what about just letting them live free range permanently? Like Peter Gurney did with a few of his?

I'm deffo piggy proofing my flat this weekend to give them free range play time, but also wondering because of reading his book, whether I should just let them roam freely whenever anyway?

My flat isn't that big, I can keep them to the main room and would use C&C grids to block off any furniture they could get under, such as around the television. Luckily for me there isn't too many other places where they could get stuck or lost, as it's just an open plan room. I was thinking of having their pen in one area, for feeding, hay etc and make that snug, cosy and a lovely area where they could feel safe but with it open so they can come and go as they please, and I'd put cosy's and pigloo's down around the place.

As was talking about this to a girl in my office who's just got the tiniest kitten - it's smaller than my guinea pigs - sooooo cute :)), and she said she's buying a collar with a bell so she doesn't accidentally step on the poor thing! And she asked if I could do the same with my guinea pigs get them a little kitten collar with a bell, so I'd hear them coming! I have no idea about this! Is this cruel? I think it's probably a little cruel but then thinking, is that any more cruel than doing it to a kitten? I guess guinea's might get freaked out by the sound! I really had never thought about it.

In terms of free range guinea's I guess that would be the biggest risk to their health! If I accidentally caught one with my big giant feet.

If I were having visitors though I'd keep them back in the pen.

Opinions please my trusted guinea experts! :))
just remember not to dish up your dinner before feeding them, i did once and had 4 stalk me into the living room whilst wheeking and phoebe attempted to climb my trouser leg! until i fed them.

so funny and sweet :)) x)
I live in a flat too and mine are in the living room, I have lots of places they can hide and sometimes sleep where I have no idea where they are but they are safe from wires etc, they have about 3 hours a night once I'm home from work during the week and all day at weekends if I'm home, I'm about to extend their C&C tonight with a run so they should be better whilst I'm not at home to have a run.

I certainly use my dustpan and drush & hoover more than I used to but I dont mind lol
I dont think it is a very good idea, they will chew everything in sight which could be a risk to them as it is, i/e carpet, rugs, skirting boards, doors, door frames, any radiator pipes to name but a few, not to mention your furniture!

In terms of colars, i think this is cruel and would freak them out, plus they would never keep it on, they dont have a neck and jaw line like cats and dogs, as soon as they do their cleaning thing and rub their faces the way they do it will be off, which is then something else to chew, and if they chew and swallow the bell your in big trouble.

By all means make a bigger restricted safe pen and allow supervised floor time when your there but when they are home alone, i would feel so much better knowing that they are in a safe area where there is nothing dangerous for them to chew etc.
Guinea pigs could not wear a collar. It would stop them being able to clean themselves and they would feel restricted. I do not think it is cruel with a cat though as they are different. I did not even know you could get collars for kittens. I thought they were too small for them to fit!
My Tribe has free run of the living room during the day. However, it is our own house.

You have to completely piggy proof your flat, make sure that they either can't get under furniture or the floor underneath is lined with plastic and at least a towel/fleece, as your piggies will inevitably make their home in the safest spot. You will need to create plastic lined "toilet corners" they are protected under in their favourite spots.

Please be aware that some piggies can develop a liking for wallpaper and can redecorate your room! No way how careful you are, there will be the odd accident on the floor. There will also be the odd nibble on the furniture.
Out of interest, what are people's thoughts on allowing their piggies to go free range in the home?

Does it work? Is it a nightmare? Do piggies like it or loath it?

Obviously would be difficult if you lived in a huge house, but what about an apartment?

This question is of course assuming that all precautions have been taken, the place had been piggy proofed and no live electric cables would be available for nibbling! hehe.


To be honest, I have a very large kitchen and whenever I have let mine run around on the lino, they pee and poop so much that I spend a lot of the time on my hands and knees cleaning up. Also, I really think there is a danger of you stepping on one of them. As for my living area, it is mostly wooden floors, not the warmest place for them. I think they should be in a safe warm environment. Although of course, in their homeland in Peru they are running freely in the kitchens, ready to be plucked up for cooking....horrible thought.
hmmmm, lots and lots to think about! Thanks everyone.

You're right about the collar, thinking about it now, it's just plain cruel and they'd have it off in an instance! Hadn't even thought about the fact they could swallow the bell :...

I'm not worried about furniture nibbling, and my skirting boards are so high up they couldn't get to wallpaper. I've only got one radiator and I could block that off.

But probably best to see how they get on when I'm around first. I work two days a week from home, plus home at weekends etc. I think you're right, when I'm out I'd probably would be worrying alot.

In terms of the toilet, I don't know if it's just mine, but they're pretty good to be honest. They never go on the fleeces and they pretty much just go back to the same spot, they always wee on the towel I leave and in their toilet box I made them. That's mostly the same for the poops too. But I guess I would need to have fleeces down, just in case.
I know some people do it and was successful. They have some feeding areas and litter boxes around their place. I tried once, and they were okay using the feeding area to potty. My main problem was they chewed on the furniture and wall baseboard. So I stopped doing free range.
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