Freddie Visits Vet Photo

Aww Freddie. You are a handsome boy. :love: Must admit I love Blonde & ginger piggies.
How cute, my piggies would have (and have) made a suicide dash for the side of the table before I could whip my phone out lol.
Let us all know about the Vet visit. Xx

Only there for a routine pedicure. Freddie's claws grow long (and curly!) very fast if not trimmed regularly. He doesn't mind visits to Cromlyn House Vet Hospital - mainly coz he's in love with one of the nurses there! (Vet Nurse Joleen can do anything with him and he's as good as gold). Poor wee chap does hate the car journey to and from though, and has chewed four holes in his carrier already!
Pleased it only for a nail trim! What a adorable piggy