Freaking when picked up?

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Apr 5, 2011
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south western ontario
My new Pig berry keeps freakIng out when I pick her up, shes fine for about two seconds then starts twitching and squeaking??

Ses friendly in the cage she with let * pet her and she'll come over and sniff your fingers ...

Any ideas??
A) Have her checked for mites if this is a sudden new behaviour - painful skin can make her not wanting to be picked up.

B) Try alternatives for pick up, like a cosy, cuddle cup, padded showbox with one end cut off, and upturned padded pigloo or just a towel. Small confined places calm down piggies. The pick up situation cuts very close to their prey animal instincts - a piggy picked up by predator is very much a dead piggy! if you can, don't try to loom over her for the same reasons and talk to her gently all the time.

C) If she desperately wants to be with her friend, cuddle both at the same time. That may calm her down.
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I found cuddle cups really useful for my boys, they can snuggle down into them and hide. I use a hat for the baby and my husband made the others, they can be a bit costly to buy. Its just fabric folded and sewn at one end. Or you could try wrapping her in a towel. Good luck :)
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