Fraggle Not Moving Much :/

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 9, 2014
Reaction score
Wales, UK
I've had Fraggle, a rescue piggy of approx. 1 year old, for 3 weeks now - this is his 3rd home due to not being able to get on with other he lives on his own sadly..

He gets very excited and animated when he gets his fave veggies, but very rarely seems to enjoy his floor time... I've bought him little toys, tubes and bridges to hide under, but very often, he'll just sit in the tube or under his bridge munching he's not getting much exercise either. He's healthy etc... so not sure why he's not doing a bit more exploring etc. He has once or twice enjoyed an evening of bumbling about the playpen and making cute noises (it's as if he's had a sugar rush or something!)... and also trying his best to get out from under the play pen!

Anyone else's piggies been like this? Any ideas what I could do to help him enjoy his floor time more? I don't want Fraggle to be sad! :(

Thanks for your thoughts x
Is he an only piggy? Then his problem is most likely lack of piggy company - piggies are not really wired to be on their own and they have a way of egging each other on and having fun together.

We have got good rescues here in Britain that offer boar bonding at the rescue, so you can find a character compatible friend at no risk to Fraggle and you.
Yeah he's on his own - he was rehomed to a house with other piggies just before I adopted him, but he had to go back to the centre unfortunately because he could not get on with others :(

He seemed fine this evening - he enjoyed moving around the pen and eating some treats I'd put around the playpen.

If he continues to not move much or show signs of being sad, I will defo have a look at contacting a centre that might be able to help with trialling/ finding a compatible friend for him

Thanks :)
My Hazelnut didn't move much during floor time in the 7 months he was a singleton - would just venture out of the hidey long enough to eat & dart back into hiding. Once Peanut Butter arrived, Hazelnut has been much more active. Fraggle seems to have been unlucky to not find any piggies he liked in the 3 homes he's been in, but I think boar dating is definitely worth a try.
Awww poor chap he clearly is a discerning boy when it comes to friends. I'd take him boar dating as suggested. He will find the right one he just needs a wide choice! It took my girls a whole afternoon and 6 boars before they found 'the one'. So they can be very fussy.

Good luck, when he finds his friend you'll be amazed at the difference in him.
Thanks all :)
Is there a list of centres that help with finding a friend on this forum? I live in North Wales... unfortunately, that means I'm usually far away from everything and everyone :/ :(
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