Four Months Down The Line

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 25, 2014
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Hello all!

For some reason life has just gotten in the way and I haven't been able to post about my lovely piggies. The first thread I made, four months ago, is here.


We finished the cage about 6 weeks after getting them. In hindsight it's a shame it took so long because when I look at their old cage (it's retired to our loft now) it looks really sad and small :( On the other hand, with hindsight, 6 weeks will hopefully by a very small portion of their lives and it felt longer at the time!


My husband made two of these cute little wooden houses for them. Pigaloo likes hiding in the bottom 'bunk' and my cat has been known to sleep in a ball on the top!


So cute I couldn't resist! Here is Piggles checking out his new home. We put them in before we put the fleeces in, for some reason. The wooden sticks were bought from Poundland and they were propped up for a while as a tent/tunnel. I wish I could've figured out how to make it stay like that more permanently. Sometimes we just draped them over a cardboard box!


Before I get accused of favouritism, it is almost impossible to take a photo of Pigaloo. But here is a picture of Piggles' lovely, clean, shiny, healthy, silky fur! Regrettably we have fleas on the cats right now and I am hoping they do not pass on to the piggies.


Nuts & bolts. I am actually pestering my OH to change the cage to have two doors. Originally he found it didn't work. But having only one half that opens is annoying when cleaning! Luckily the top floor removes.


In their houses.


We have since chopped the legs off the cage and the piggies are almost exclusively free range now ! My black and white cat is absolutely zero trouble around them, but my other cat (Gingerman) is less trustworthy. Although for ages we didn't let him in the room when they were out, he is allowed in now, but it is quite the effort keeping an eye on them all.

I do have more photos to post from my phone and shall update this thread once I upload them!

Oh, and our next project will be making them an outdoor hutch/run. :)

PS. Piggles lets me stroke him now :) I feel we are making slow but steady progress ;) Pigaloo hasn't gotten any more comfortable with me than letting me hand feed him (which is what we had to do really early on because Piggles kept eating all the food...)
PPS. Their rumplestrutting has gotten immeasurably better. They now have the liberty of taking a floor each to relax on, which I think helps ;) The only slightly odd thing is one morning last week Pigaloo (usually the quieter/smaller/scared-er of the two) was set on mounting Piggles. Surprised me! Seems to have stopped now though...
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