Four is a crowd


New Born Pup
Nov 16, 2022
Reaction score

I currently have a neutered boar and two females in a 7ft x 3ft c&c cage. The two girls tolerate each other but no one is super friendly with anyone i.e. no snuggling or following each other around. They all keep themselves to themselves really.
Yesterday I went to rescue another girl as I have the room and a whole lot of love to give another rescue piggy.
I chose a submissive girl who was getting a bit of a rough deal in the cage she was in with some other girls (her backside had evidence of barbering and she was getting told off by the other sows) but mainly because she was curious about me and came up to see me.
Brought her home, introduced them all in a completely neutral space in my bathroom for about an hour. All went VERY well, the new piggy was so well behaved and polite. I cleaned out the main enclosure so it was all fresh and ready, lots of hay etc etc and popped them all in. The new pig was respectful and shy and allowed my girls to be dominant and there was obviously chasing from my boar. But then out of nowhere MY girls started fighting each other and one got a nip on the nose. There was teeth chattering, rumbling and everyone was very stressed, even my boar was chattering (he never does this). Just the presence of the addition of a new pig caused the dynamic to completely change.
I contacted the rescue who asked if I wanted to return the new pig...and because I didn't want to upset my trio to irreparable levels I agreed. But all I can think about today is that sweet girl having to go back, she was so placid and lovely and now she's back getting picked on until she is rescued.
It's a real tug on my heart strings but I don't have anymore room for more enclosures and it would be unfair on my three to half the original enclosure to rescue her and one other.
I guess I'm just after some reassurance I've done the right thing as I'm feeling pretty sad/guilty having to take her back 😔
I’m sorry that the newcomer seems to have thrown a spanner in the works with your current trio. Hopefully they will settle back into their usual camaraderie soon enough.

If you don’t have the means to house her and get her a friend then it was the right choice. I don’t believe that Barbering isn’t a sign of dislike. There are reasons for it but I don’t know if that’s one of them. The other thing is being chased by other sows May just be them reminding her of her place in the hierarchy.

As for your girls, not cuddling or following each other doesn’t mean they just tolerate each other. My piggies have never cuddled or followed each other around but they had great bonds.

Hope your trip has settled down now. If you really do want to add another piggy, I would try and find a rescue where you can take them dating so they can choose their own piggy. Getting a piggy you think will gel with them can be difficult.
Thank you for your reply. Luckily the dynamics have returned to how they were before. It was very bizarre in that, as soon as I took the newcomer out, everyone went back to normal. Like nothing had happened. But 10 mins prior to that, it was the most aggressive and stressed I'd ever seen my girls towards each other. There was chinning, lunging, teeth chattering and then the fight then lots of yawning afterwards and all three of my usual trio were sat in different areas of the cage to normall teeth chattering VERY loud. All while the new girl sat looking very shell shocked in the corner.
I know when @Bill & Ted tried bonding a boar with her girls, the girls turned on each other. When he was removed they returned to their usual selves after a short while.
I’m sorry that the bonding failed. I took my girl and neutered boar to a rescue back in October 2020 to try them with a sow pair. Elizabeth took an instant dislike to them and started fighting with my boar Edward. I thought that was that but I tried them again with another sow pair in March 2021 and they bonded well and I had a happy foursome. Edward sadly died last summer but Elizabeth is happily ruling the roost with Ella and Esme.
Hi everyone, I was just wondering if it would work in the future if the sow being introduced was younger? The sow we tried was 2 years old, so older than both my girls.
Interested to know your thoughts.
Well, that worked amazingly 🥰 four happily bonded piggies. We got Zula from the same rescue the others all came from and the girls have accepted her and the hierarchy hasn't been compromised.

*please note enclosure is 7ft x 3ft and Wilbur has a skin condition which he is currently getting treatment for under an exotic vet, hence the bandage (see my other very long post)


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