Dilly's Piggies
Teenage Guinea Pig
I currently have 3 piggies, a singleton and a pair, all girls, they all live indoors upstairs, they have their own bedroom, in a 6x2 C&C on fleece and were fully cleaned out 5 days ago (they're done fully every Sunday with blanket/pad change every few days), I check them multiple times a day and did not notice anything until now, I just went in to change the blankets and I found about 5 live maggots burrowed into the thick fluffy vetbed in the fleece which were very small, looked to have just hatched, and about 5 brownish red 'cocoons' (not sure of proper term?) of maggots about to hatch living in the back corner of my singletons wooden hide in her poop. I feel like the worst owner in the world right now and I'm ashamed to even be writing this for everyone to see, but I need help.
They were only in that area, I couldn't find any others and I didn't see any white eggs but there could have been more I didn't see, I didn't spend much time looking tbh I saw those and immediately took my pig out, threw all the fleece and bedding out in a quick panic. I've had piggies for over 10 years and never had this before, I am so freaked out and I want to throw up, I feel like a horrible pigmum for not noticing this sooner, my poor Dolly. I was really surprised to find them only in her cage and not the pairs cage also, since the pair produce more poop, I guess the fly preferred Dolly's for some reason, the cages are stacked and she's on top. I haven't seen any flies in there either, we have a mosquito net covering their window and all upstairs windows so I don't know how it got in or what fly it was, I've checked the whole house and can't find any flies, I've checked all the nets and put up loads of fly strips. I have anxiety because I know flies lay many more eggs than just the 10 I found, so I'm obsessing over where the rest are and whether I got them or not... I'm checking inside their poop constantly too and haven't seen anything.
I have already completely emptied both cages, all fleece and bedding has been discarded into the trash, I'm not even going to bother washing the fleece as I don't trust it, just threw it out and I'll buy new. Both cages have been completely washed with boiling hot water, soap and disinfected with F10SC, I even sprayed the whole room with it, not with pigs in there obviously.
I've throughly examined all 3 piggies, very closely all over their bottoms especially, including inside their private area as far in as I could with a light and magnifying glass and I cannot see anything abnormal, I also squeezed a little to see if anything came out and nothing did so I am hoping these maggots didn't do anything to my pigs and they aren't the super bad ones that cause flystrike. Regardless they've all been fully bathed with lice and easy shampoo 3 times each to hopefully get rid of anything if they had eggs on them, which I couldn't see or feel any but just incase. They are all fine, don't have symptoms, but I'm keeping a close eye as you can imagine.
I'll be rewashing all their fleece from now on in a 60*C wash, cleaning twice daily and disinfecting daily for now to be sure but I am horrified and worried about flystrike. Does anyone know the symptoms for that and how I would know if they have it? I've already spent £700 at the vet this month alone for other issues (one has ovarian cysts and I lost another due to cancer earlier this month) so I simply haven't got the money to take them again right now, I don't get paid until the 1st and my vet does not take payment plans, I've asked multiple times so I don't know what to do with that, I feel completely stuck right now, I want to take them so badly to be checked, I'll have to ask around and see if anyone can help me.
I do have some leftover prescription topical ivermectin drops I got from the vet 2 months ago (they were treated recently, didn't have symptoms of lice or mites but vet prescribed it as a preventative because I asked for it) and I don't know if this would do anything for this situation, is it worth giving it to the pigs again? Does it kill fly eggs/maggots internally or externally?
I've had just about the worst month possible so this is just the icing on the cake honestly, everything seems to go wrong at once. I feel so icky and horrible. Any advice, what to look out for, anything further I should do would be greatly appreciated.
They were only in that area, I couldn't find any others and I didn't see any white eggs but there could have been more I didn't see, I didn't spend much time looking tbh I saw those and immediately took my pig out, threw all the fleece and bedding out in a quick panic. I've had piggies for over 10 years and never had this before, I am so freaked out and I want to throw up, I feel like a horrible pigmum for not noticing this sooner, my poor Dolly. I was really surprised to find them only in her cage and not the pairs cage also, since the pair produce more poop, I guess the fly preferred Dolly's for some reason, the cages are stacked and she's on top. I haven't seen any flies in there either, we have a mosquito net covering their window and all upstairs windows so I don't know how it got in or what fly it was, I've checked the whole house and can't find any flies, I've checked all the nets and put up loads of fly strips. I have anxiety because I know flies lay many more eggs than just the 10 I found, so I'm obsessing over where the rest are and whether I got them or not... I'm checking inside their poop constantly too and haven't seen anything.
I have already completely emptied both cages, all fleece and bedding has been discarded into the trash, I'm not even going to bother washing the fleece as I don't trust it, just threw it out and I'll buy new. Both cages have been completely washed with boiling hot water, soap and disinfected with F10SC, I even sprayed the whole room with it, not with pigs in there obviously.
I've throughly examined all 3 piggies, very closely all over their bottoms especially, including inside their private area as far in as I could with a light and magnifying glass and I cannot see anything abnormal, I also squeezed a little to see if anything came out and nothing did so I am hoping these maggots didn't do anything to my pigs and they aren't the super bad ones that cause flystrike. Regardless they've all been fully bathed with lice and easy shampoo 3 times each to hopefully get rid of anything if they had eggs on them, which I couldn't see or feel any but just incase. They are all fine, don't have symptoms, but I'm keeping a close eye as you can imagine.
I'll be rewashing all their fleece from now on in a 60*C wash, cleaning twice daily and disinfecting daily for now to be sure but I am horrified and worried about flystrike. Does anyone know the symptoms for that and how I would know if they have it? I've already spent £700 at the vet this month alone for other issues (one has ovarian cysts and I lost another due to cancer earlier this month) so I simply haven't got the money to take them again right now, I don't get paid until the 1st and my vet does not take payment plans, I've asked multiple times so I don't know what to do with that, I feel completely stuck right now, I want to take them so badly to be checked, I'll have to ask around and see if anyone can help me.
I do have some leftover prescription topical ivermectin drops I got from the vet 2 months ago (they were treated recently, didn't have symptoms of lice or mites but vet prescribed it as a preventative because I asked for it) and I don't know if this would do anything for this situation, is it worth giving it to the pigs again? Does it kill fly eggs/maggots internally or externally?
I've had just about the worst month possible so this is just the icing on the cake honestly, everything seems to go wrong at once. I feel so icky and horrible. Any advice, what to look out for, anything further I should do would be greatly appreciated.