Found a Megasorb Supplier! :)

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Jul 6, 2007
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Hi All,

Just a quick note, pigs are squealing for something to eat! I've found a Megazorb supplier in Huyton Liverpool costs £5.00 for a large bag! So I'm going to go up and get it after I've fed the pigs! :)

Will let you know what its like!

oooooo good for you its great stuff and at 5 quid thats a bargin!
Yeah I was impressed. Also I'm going to Kirkby in Liverpool to get a bale of Hay for £6.00 I can get it in Widnes for £3.00 but the £6.00 one is an animla farm for children so I don't mind paying double as all money helps the animals!

And I've just got a cabbage for 34p in Aldi, crikey I'm bursting with bargins! :D

P.S Just cut me finger chopping cucumber! Ouch!
LOL I may have to go to aldi and get some of these bargins everyone keeps talking about!
Well I'm back...that was fun!

The hay wouldn't fit in the back of my car so the owners split it for me and we got it in that way that was £6.00 and I had to bring it through the hall and the kitchen to the garden as I don't have a back gate! ;D

Megazorb cost £5.26 was driving around for ages trying to find the place! Once I found it it was straight forward!

So now I'll see how long this lasts. The hay isn't really suitable to eat but will make good bedding in bedroom areas and the Megazorb will do in play ares.

There was loads of bargins in Aldi and Lidl cucumbers for 24p so I got 6 as mine love them! :)

I am still looking for a cheap supplier of megazorb as close to me as possible.
as for veggies i get my from the cash and carry I get a bag of 15 cabbages for £4 and a box of 12 cucumbers costs £2.90 a sack of carrots costs £2.20
That's a good idea Graham! I was thinking of asking around veg shops for anything that is still ok but is being thrown out. Although veggie shops are few and far between in Liverpool! Being a florist I know a few of the chaps in the flower and veg market in Liverpool so I should ring up and ask them, I didn't think of that! 98) I'm spending £8.00 a week on veggies for the 5 of them, it's not too bad but I'd like to get that cost down to £5.00 especially if I am going to rescue some in the future. :)

Right, as for Megazorb I found my supplier here It is a horse feed site but I just rung around, I'm sure most of them would do Megazorb. If not then try Although I'm not seeing anyone up near Cumbria on that list.

thanks for that,I know farmway can order it in at £6.75 a bag,green mule you have to open an account and then have to buy a minimum order of £100 of any items :-\

I will ring some of the others today
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