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Found a lump 😞


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 17, 2020
Reaction score
Hey everyone! Had some bad news recently, my almost 3 year old piggie, Yen Yen, has a lump 😔

I took her to the vets as a strange bald spot appeared on her bum. She has also been struggling to wee and poo recently and squeaks when she goes toilet.

The vet said he was pretty confident she would be okay, as she’s young and overall felt very healthy to him. He doesn’t know what kind of lump it is, but it’s pretty small atm so surgery is better to get out the way as if it gets bigger it will infect her bladder etc and surgery will be more difficult.

Of course however, I can’t help but worry. She’s very important to me, and the surgery isn’t until the 6th December 😔

I was wondering if anyone else has been through this? He actually said someone at the same vets (cat and rabbit care clinic Northampton) was going for the same procedure too! I’m nervous as it’s my first time ever that my pigs will also be separated (they were born together). What can I do to keep my lonely piggie calm too? Thank you!


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Hey everyone! Had some bad news recently, my almost 3 year old piggie, Yen Yen, has a lump 😔

I took her to the vets as a strange bald spot appeared on her bum. She has also been struggling to wee and poo recently and squeaks when she goes toilet.

The vet said he was pretty confident she would be okay, as she’s young and overall felt very healthy to him. He doesn’t know what kind of lump it is, but it’s pretty small atm so surgery is better to get out the way as if it gets bigger it will infect her bladder etc and surgery will be more difficult.

Of course however, I can’t help but worry. She’s very important to me, and the surgery isn’t until the 6th December 😔

I was wondering if anyone else has been through this? He actually said someone at the same vets (cat and rabbit care clinic Northampton) was going for the same procedure too! I’m nervous as it’s my first time ever that my pigs will also be separated (they were born together). What can I do to keep my lonely piggie calm too? Thank you!


My Tesni was 6 years old when she needed a burst and infected cyst right next to her genitalia removed at the Cat&Rabbit. Despite her age, she made a full recovery.

My oldest, Hafren, was just short of 7 years with a huge cyst that sadly decided to suddenly put in a massive growth spurt, which decided to burst in the middle of the Maddock's summer holiday absence; nevertheless, she has made a full recovery and lived for a number of months to the upper end of the average life span.

I have also had a number of sows older than your piggy successfully spayed there (which is an even more invasive operation), not counting others ops over the years. The C&R now uses a hidden seam technique, which means that the operation scar cannot burst or staples be pulled.

Have you been specifically asked not to bring the companion as well and to keep them separated? The C&R supports keeping piggies together as much as possible, including operation recovery at the vets; otherwise, you just put a temporary divider into the cage. Some spare cable-tied C&C grids come in handy in that case.

Mine come with a paw-holding mate to the clinic as much as possible unless I have a trio with a problem piggy that is not the patient.
More post-op care information here: Tips For Post-operative Care (includes a chapter on companionship)

All the best!
When I took my Pepper to have his abscess removed his friend Percy went with him to keep him company. Simon and Kim were absolutely fine with that.
That's amazing, I will double check with them that she can, this would make things so much easier thank you!
I think Simon is the best guinea pig in the UK, had of two piggies with lumps removal and Simon gave my Ted another 2.5 years plus because of his amazing dental skills. Five star vets are the Maddock’s
This has really helped me thank you so much for commenting