Forward With One, Backwards With Other

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 5, 2014
Reaction score
Kent, UK
Hi everyone!

Ive had my pigs almost 3 weeks now (2 young boars) and theyve swapped! They are both VERY skittish (dont think ever been handled). To start , M was the more friendly, sometimes.let me pet him etc and W wasnt having Now, W will let me pet him more (but not loads) but M runs away.,They are both VERY food driven... will climb in my.lap if i have food, but now M goes off once i stroke him but W might let me stroke.

Both will sniff me and my hands, handfeed but they are GREEDY lol.

M has always nibbled me, tonight i left my hand there to see what would happen and he drew blood :( but i think he thinks 'mummy = food so i will chomp harder' :) Is all this normal progress? or is it all going wrong? xx
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Yes, it is progress. Early days yet, but you are doing really well honestly.

Piggys will often explore with their teeth when they start associating you with food, probably an accident I would think. I have been nibbled for food lots and had blood drawn but there is a difference between food nibbles rather than nipping. We have a vampire pig that used to physically snap at your hand - so it was very noticeably different from the mistaken food chomps :)) of previous pigs. She has stopped this now since we gained her trust but it took 6 months of fearing for fingers :))

It sounds like you are doing all the right things. Piggies can take a while to become used to lap time and some unfortunately never do while others do later on when they get older. Younger piggies often find there is so much more exciting stuff available to do, but settle later in life more.
Hi, I am very new to piggies too and don't feel like I can offer very much but thought of two things - 1. make sure you have washed your hands first before putting in the cage for piggies to sniff - one of mine has nibbled me hard before but I think it was because I had been filling up the hay and smelled like hay! 2. Offer your hand palm down in a fist - this is harder for them to get their little mouths round but they can still explore and get used to your smell before you start opening your hand. I hope this helps x
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