Forum Newbie + Adoption Questions


Forum Donator 2023/24
Nov 17, 2021
Reaction score
Buckinghamshire, UK
Hi everyone, I've been lurking on the forum for a couple of months now but thought it was time to say hello! I am based in the UK and have been a guinea pig owner on and off for closer to thirty years than I generally like to admit, although we're currently "between pigs" as we've been getting everything ready following a house move last year. Our indoor set-up is finally complete but we've encountered a couple of issues I would be grateful for your views on. (Apologies in advance for the long post.)

Our main hurdle has been finding a local, reputable rescue. Most of the rescues we have around here are the back garden variety, and I do worry about how the pigs have been living and how thoroughly quarantining, treatments etc. have been observed. Since finding this forum I have checked your rescue finder but there doesn't seem to be anything closer than a three-hour round trip away - not ideal, and I'm sure the rescues requiring physical home visits would be less than keen also. I would be grateful for any suggestions on next steps as I am getting frustrated and it feels more and more like a pet shop is our only option, something we'd like to avoid, unless we settle for an unknown welfare rescue.

A side concern of this is that I'm pregnant. While I'm confident in our ability to care for our existing and hoped-for future pets, I do wonder if many rescues would be reluctant to rehome to us as I've so often heard "new baby" cited as the reason for surrendering pets to rescues. As I said, I am confident and experienced (and I have my husband well trained as well these days), and this is certainly not something we're doing on a whim, but I can see how my bump could be a red flag. I know that there are several members here who run or work with UK rescues and any insight would be appreciated.

Our second issue is around the pairing we're looking for. We have zero intention of breeding but are looking for a boar / sow pair; my husband has never seen guinea pig "romance" behaviours before and I would love him to be able to experience them as they can be so endearing to watch (nothing like a husboar living his best life :))). As space, time and money allows in future we would also love to be able to expand our herd to include more sows. I've seen very few neutered boars available for adoption, understandably, much less the pair we're after, and rescues are rightfully reluctant to rehome single piggies or un-neutered mixed pairs. Additionally, we unfortunately don't have the space the keep a boar and a sow separately but next to each other while he becomes safe; I do have an old hospital cage which could be used but at best the closest this could be would be on top of the main cage. If we did go the pet shop route, we would also most likely be purchasing babies much too young to do without social contact even for a short time, let alone the time needed for neutering. Plan B would be a sow pair, expanding to introduce a neutered boar later if we are able, but there's no guarantee this would ever be possible; we don't have the space for a boar pair currently so this isn't an option we're considering. If anyone has any ideas on how to make Plan A happen I would love to hear them!

For those interested, we have a non-C&C, fully enclosed cage approx. 10.5 sq ft (after the thickness of the cage walls has been accounted for, 140 by 71cm) on one level, currently located in the living room but to be moved to the quiet back bedroom (husband's home office) once decorated, at least until little one is old enough to understand how to interact with them safely / considerately (supervised!). We have our eyes on an outdoor run for day trips in the warmer months which we intend to purchase soon - although we probably have a good few months' wiggle room on this yet thanks to good old British weather! :)) We also have a dog and an elderly cat, both of whom have lived with pigs previously - thankfully the cat prefers to pretend they don't exist while the dog thinks everyone is a friend... not that we would ever want to test either of them.

Thank you to everyone still reading, and thanks in advance for any advice. :)
Hi and welcome ☺️ How great that you're thinking about all these things in advance!

I've had males from Blue Cross (as well as pairs sometimes) and the boys have always been neutered before they are rehomed... it's standard practice for their singles. We have a slightly unusual set up in that my pigs live indoors in an area that contains 2 'too-small' cages with holes cut into the sides so they are free to roam about between. I've always taken pics as well as measurements and explained this to potential rescues and although we are non-standard I've never been turned down yet. It's worth getting in touch with a few to explain in advance what your situation is (pregnancy etc) and see if they red-flag you. The only qus I've been asked is whether we have small children as obvs with piggies popping in and out they would be a risk for getting grabbed or stepped on by enthusiastic little ones... but I have teens!
Hi and welcome ☺️ How great that you're thinking about all these things in advance!

I've had males from Blue Cross (as well as pairs sometimes) and the boys have always been neutered before they are rehomed... it's standard practice for their singles. We have a slightly unusual set up in that my pigs live indoors in an area that contains 2 'too-small' cages with holes cut into the sides so they are free to roam about between. I've always taken pics as well as measurements and explained this to potential rescues and although we are non-standard I've never been turned down yet. It's worth getting in touch with a few to explain in advance what your situation is (pregnancy etc) and see if they red-flag you. The only qus I've been asked is whether we have small children as obvs with piggies popping in and out they would be a risk for getting grabbed or stepped on by enthusiastic little ones... but I have teens!

Thank you! I've had a look at their and only one, single male is specified as neutered, unfortunately quite a long way away - it sounds like it may be worth a phone call to our local centre to explain what we're after, and see what they advise. 🙂
Hi and welcome. I wouldn’t narrow yourself to a mixed pairing. Otherwise it may take longer to bring piggies home. Be open to whichever pair you feel a ‘connection’ with (except boars as you said). And also what the rescue thinks might be suited to your home.

I would contact several rescues and let them know you’re looking to adopt. That way you’re put on the waiting list. It’s unfortunate but you will likely have to travel a way. I think visits are possibly virtual since covid.

I hope you find a suitable pair soon.
Is somewhere like The Potteries a three hour round trip? I think I would make a lovely day out of it, go to the Emma Bridgewater shop or something, Trentham Gardens and collect your piggies at the end of your day to bring home 😁. Although they don’t seem to have a mixed pair 🤔. The principal applies though 😁😁😁
I tend to agree with others - in these situations it helps to keep an open mind.
And a 3 hour round trip is not really that far if you factor in the amount of time you will have these piggies. I think experienced rescues would be happy to work with you to find a way to make it happen, as you are clearly experienced and committed.

Your cage is too small for a boar pair 9or trio of any sort) so right now you would have the choice of a male/female pair or 2 sows, so if you contact rescues and explain your situation and set up all you can do is see what they can offer.
Good on you for doing your research in advance and being honest about your circumstances.

Travelling to use the services of a reputable rescue to adopt a properly bonded, properly sexed and definitely not pregnant pair is best if at all possible.

A trio (boar and two sows) require a 12 square foot cage, as do a boar pair.
I can only echo what others have said and it’s so good that you are planning so carefully beforehand.
Hope you find piggies soon.
Congratulations on your pregnancy, hope all is going well.
Just because some people can’t cope with animals and a new baby doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone. You know your own situation and abilities best.
Is Hertfordshire near you? The blue cross there have a pair of girls. You could add a neutered boar once you found him and have a bigger space for them.

Thank you all for your responses! My pregnancy not necessarily being an automatic deal-breaker is really reassuring. I will try to answer everyone in one go to spare you all from another long post :))

The Potteries is one of our closest, coming in at just under three hours, and would certainly be included on our shortlist. I'm very new to the area, so thank you for the tips on things to do while there! There is also one near Wellingborough which could be another contender as we are relatively close to the M1 - they at least have a couple of boys awaiting neutering for rehoming with a wife or two. When I contact rescues I'll make sure to check whether home visits can be done remotely, thank you for the heads up 👍 Hertfordshire is unfortunately too far away I think, but what beauties :love:

We will of course keep our minds open to a sow pair if we find two we fall in love with. We are trying to follow advice on the forum guidance pages as best we can - please be assured that we are only looking for a pair (and not a boar pair) with our current set-up for both Plans A and B. Our hopes to expand both our herd and their living area are much further down the road (three additions to our household is probably quite enough for one year, I think :))).

It sounds like our best bet is to get on a few waiting lists, be patient and keep our fingers crossed. Hopefully by the time something comes up I'll be feeling a bit better and the drive won't seem so daunting (I'm hoping the fabled second trimester energy kicks in soon). I was hoping to have some time for us all to get to know before the disruptive one arrives, but we'll see what happens!