Foot Thumping

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 4, 2016
Reaction score
Just putting the Girls to bed for the night, been out in the garden in the run. After doing the usual running around the hutch, looking for the vegs hidden Daisy ran to the top of the ramp and started thumping her foot. I've never seen this before with any of the Guineas but as soon as she started all the other went into hiding. The thumping continued for about two minutes, and would have gone on for longer, until I said her name and she stop straight away and went to the sleeping section.

Has anyone else experience this? Any idea why she started to do it? There wasn't anything different in her routine.
That one is a new one for me - and I have been around a few years! Guinea pigs never surprising you!
My rabbits do it when they're startled, never seen the piggies doing it!

I have never seen my piggies do it but with my rabbits it is generally done if they are startled by something that they believe is danger. It warns the others so that is why the others went into hiding. It also is done to frighten off any perceived threat.

If my rabbits do it I always check the surroundings to see if there are any actual dangers or whether they were perhaps just startled.

If the piggies live outside I would be watching for possible mice or rats trying to get into the hutch for the food. Or possibly a cat or dog somewhere close.

It is amazing how animals have such a sense of danger but I guess they need to otherwise they would probably not last long. xx
I did a deep clean of the garage, where they sleep at night and didn't find any sign of mice. Not seen this behaviour since so hoping it was just a one off, although would be interested to find out why she did it.
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