Food question

Is it safe?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
United states
Is it safe to give piggies air popped popcorn with no salt or butter? I came here to ask because reddit is kinds bullies
I have seen these sold in some of the PetSmarts I live by. Popcorn has really sharp bits in it and can be a choking hazard to piggies. Plus, the corn kernels are also a choking hazard, and guinea pigs should not have hard seeds in general.

Hopefully, that answers your question! The Guinea Pig Fourm is a really kind and knowledgeable group. 😊
My next question is to why what if I break it down into smaller pieces for them?


Popcorn is basically processed super junk food for guinea pigs - fattening and life-shortening. It is one of those things that is targeted at unwary owners' purses without any respect for animal welfare or species needs. It relies on owners thinking it cool to share a treat with their piggies but who won't question as to whether it is actually a suitable food to be given at all, never mind regularly.
There are better ways to spend your money on your piggies than ending up at the vet's with avoidable health problems from overweight. ;)

The unpopped bits of the corn have a nasty habit of getting stuck on the incisor and can sometimes be hard to remove.

More information on sweetcorn (including popcorn, which definitely ranges in the 'ugly' category): Seeds - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Thank you all for the proper information

Good on you being one of the owners who keep on asking! I am also sure that your question has answered that of several more readers who would like to know. :tu:

Sadly, offers like that tie right into human addictive cravings behaviours where clear thinking goes straight out of the window. The pet market is so lucrative because it is one area where commonsense is often suspended, and never more so when it comes to treats. :(

As a rule of thumb: cultivated large seeds in any form - whether that is starchy grain which is turned into sugar (sweetcorn is in that group) or for oil (like sunflower seeds) - should be treated with caution and should never be more than an occasional calorific treat, if at all.
Good on you being one of the owners who keep on asking! I am also sure that your question has answered that of several more readers who would like to know. :tu:

Sadly, offers like that tie right into human addictive cravings behaviours where clear thinking goes straight out of the window. The pet market is so lucrative because it is one area where commonsense is often suspended, and never more so when it comes to treats. :(

As a rule of thumb: cultivated large seeds in any form - whether that is starchy grain which is turned into sugar (sweetcorn is in that group) or for oil (like sunflower seeds) - should be treated with caution and should never be more than an occasional calorific treat, if at all.
Thank you sometimes I feel like I'm asking really dumb questions but I would rather ask than assume and do the wrong thing at the end of the day 🙃
Thank you sometimes I feel like I'm asking really dumb questions but I would rather ask than assume and do the wrong thing at the end of the day 🙃

We learn by asking silly questions and we make silly mistakes by not daring to ask.

Nobody knows it all but sadly too many people don't dare asking because they fear being ridiculed by bullies. There are no dumb questions; just the desire to understand better and to improve your knowledge. If you stop asking out of fear, you cripple your own growth, both in self-confidence and in knowledge - the practical as well as the intellectual. Don't limit yourself because of what you assume others think about you. Your life is your own to live and not that of others. Be yourself, believe in yourself and be proud of who you are.

I've never stopped asking since I was a small child. As far as I have discovered, seemingly 'dumb' questions get you usually a lot further and are often a lot more interesting than only asking/answering the 'clever' questions that are often more about showing off and not always so much about extending understanding; especially on the answering side.

A lot of my information resource and my answers on this forum are the result of asking basic questions and thinking them through as; as well as learning from my own mistakes and other people's knowledge and incorporating that in a constructive way for the benefit of others who won't have to fall into the same pothole. I still continue to ask and to learn myself.

That is why we are here to answer all questions because they are all equally worth asking and they all deserve a considered answer.

But you can bet that there are quite a lot of others who will be happy for you to ask because they themselves don't dare. Please never apologise and never lose your courage to ask. :)
Thank you to everyone who has commented I do feel appreciated asking my questions I'm glad to have found this forum to ask questions guys won't verbally attack me for asking questions unlike reddit who makes it feel like your stupid sometimes
Don't get me wrong I like the guinea pig subreddit but they could be a little nicer like yall
Thank you to everyone who has commented I do feel appreciated asking my questions I'm glad to have found this forum to ask questions guys won't verbally attack me for asking questions unlike reddit who makes it feel like your stupid sometimes
Don't get me wrong I like the guinea pig subreddit but they could be a little nicer like yal

Thank you. It is our explicit forum ethos to provide a friendly place for all members.

But I can also tell you that running a friendly place is a lot more work than the opposite. It takes a good safety net, hands-on moderation and the whole community to be willing to live and carry that ethos in equal measure. Without the full support from our members and without their voluntary donations we couldn't keep running.

Sadly, most of social media have gone in the opposite direction. Which means that the need for a safe haven like our forum is not going away. We try our best to provide what social media unfortunately doesn't: support and respect.
Thank you. It is our explicit forum ethos to provide a friendly place for all members.

But I can also tell you that running a friendly place is a lot more work than the opposite. It takes a good safety net, hands-on moderation and the whole community to be willing to live and carry that ethos in equal measure.

Sadly, most of social media have gone in the opposite direction. Which means that the need for a safe haven like our forum is not going away. We try our best to provide what social media unfortunately doesn't: support and respect.
I really appreciate all of the mods and staff that make this a safe space