Following on from Milo and Bette, when to call it quits!

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Senior Guinea Pig
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Never never land
As everyone knows Milo and Bette has been living together for 2 weeks it's not been smooth sailing. They are still living together, they eat together and generally seem to be friends.

That is untill Queen B*****, which is Bette decides he's just too big for his boots. She chatters, chases, lunges. I have now noticed Milo is cut under his lip. She must have done it!

Last night I also witnessed small balls of fury, as bette cornered Milo and when he tried to move they had a small episode. It was over fairly quickly.

Milo is gaining weight, popcorns loads and generally speaking seems unaffected by it all.

Now that wound are being inflicted and Milo being a furry pig, isn't exactly easy to check.

Bette has also had one wound on her side. During introductions the pigs did have a proper fight and I put it down to that. There hasn't been any wounds on Bette since!

Bette is also maintaining her weight and seems happy in herself infact I have witnessed her popcorn which she never did before!

Obviously I know it's my call, I would like some opinions when do you say enough is enough?

Thanks everyone xx
I appreciate it is a difficult decision, I've been in the same boat more than once. With persevering it has worked out once, more times it has not.

**Personally**....I would call it quits now. Saffy showed similar behaviour with Kingslie, soon as they got within a few inches of each other she would be after him, if he so much as moved when she was near she launched at him. I am sure he would have coped fine, I could have left them together to see what developed, but with the level of harassment with Saffy's particular behaviour (which, rather than being fully confrontational on first meeting, is a continual, repetetive and sharp bullying), I was not keen at all. If she had bit his lip I would have separated. However, I had a fallback that I knew worked, those two were very happy to live as singles with a divider between them.

Whatever you decide to do you have everyones support, you'll do whatever is right for your piggles. Good luck with them. :)
I have recently put my pigs back together after a seven week separation. They had two fights, one of them serious with blood drawn on both sides during the separation when the boar got over the C & C grid and then,later, under the C & C grid.

I wondered if they fought because the boar went onto the sow's territory. My sow is a really stroppy little madam grrrr so when I put them back together, after a brief intro in the garden, I put them back into the boar's part of the three storey cage and I left it really dirty so it smelled of him. I cleaned the sow's part, changed everything in it and put so much tea tree oil on the tray that it would not smell of her at all. (It was so smelly they didn't use that level for a week:red)

Obviously, it could just be a coincidence but I am wondering if it would help to put them into your boar's old cage so it is his territory?

I do hope that they get on better.

P.S. I have also now added a third (female) pig which has diluted any tensions.
Oh no :( Sorry to hear that your pair are still bickering.

I can't really offer any advice, as I wussed out after only 4 hours of mine together at first. I guess only know your pigs best and you'll know when to call it a day. I hope they manage to sort out their differences, especially as Milo still sounds unaffected by Bette's swipes. Do you think a bath would help maybe?

Good luck with whatever you decide hun, certain you'll make the best decision for Bette, Milo and you too xx
If they have another fight/bite, then I'd definitely separate them. But for now I'd be tempted to persevere and see if they get on.

I say this just because when I introduced Meeko to Cenci and Moxie, after the first day they seemed fine together and I was so happy they got on. But then after a few days I noticed that Meeko had a bite on his ear, but it was old and healing, so had been there a couple of days and I just hadn't noticed cos his long hair covered it. So he had been bitten, but then they got over it and started to get along fine. So I'm glad I didn't notice it, otherwise I might have separated them.

If it had happened again then I would have separated them though.

Obviously I'm no expert, but giving them another chance might work, or it might not.
I think you should stick it out as the squabbles have reduced and they seem to be happy in each others company a lot of the time. If you want to talk about it you know where I am xx
Sadly after deciding that I was quite happy with the situation things got a bit heated were we had full lunging and lots of puffing from Bette Sadly they will no longer be living together, it's just not fair!
Sorry to hear you have had to separate your piggies :(.

After a very stressy week with my three they have settled down considerably and I'm glad I persevered with it but I was ready to throw in the towel and separate them so I know how hard a decision it is to make.
I'm so sorry to hear that it has not worked out. Thank you for posting the details of your bonding attempt. When I read that you had stuck it out early on when they were fighting, it gave me confidence to stick it out when mine had been fighting.

Is there no way you can make a group with some of your other piggies for one of them?
AW Joanne - pick yourself up and carry on.

i think you've done the right thing - definitely.

You know what's best Joanne and you love your pigs - don't sweat the decision, you did the right thing.
Darling you know best please have confidence in your decision. If there is anything I can do to help just let me know, drop me a PM or a text to let me know how you are doing xx
So sorry that things didnt work out.

But now you can stop worrying about them and I'm sure that they will be VERY happy living side by side and having you as their piggy mummy. :) x x x x
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