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Foaming from my baby’s mouth 🥺


New Born Pup
Feb 17, 2020
Reaction score
My guineapig has been foaming from his mouth and has discharged coming from his eyes and will not eat or drink

What should I do?
This sounds like it needs an emergency vet check, please find an emergency out of hours vet local to you and call them straight away. Hope your piggy is ok but please do get him to the vet straight away!
My guineapig has been foaming from his mouth and has discharged coming from his eyes and will not eat or drink

What should I do?

Please have your baby seen by a vet asap. Please google for clinics that are open now if you are in the UK and contact them immediately.

Otherwise keep your piggy warm (but not hot!) and as comfortable as possible. I would not try to feed or water at this stage and with these symptoms.
Here is more advice on what you can do for a seriously ill piggy: Emergency, Crisis and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment

Fingers very firmly crossed!