Fly Strike Sprays?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 3, 2015
Reaction score
I've read the threads about fly strike and none of them have mentioned the sprays you can get at places like pets at home. Are they any good? My normally indoor piggies are likely to end up in the run outside for a bit over the weekend because the weather is so lovely. I'm paranoid about fly strike even though they are all clean, except my long haired piggies who can be a little messy.

Or would a bath be just as good (one would be due at some point soon).

I haven't posted this in health and illness because they aren't ill - apologies if I'm in the wrong place!
I use a fly strike spray from Pets At Home when I clean the cage and run out through the summer - I spray the actual base of the cage and bars, especially in their favourite toilet corners!

I also bum bath my long-haired piggy regularly as he collects all kind of nastiness, his short haired brother now just gets wiped down with a damp cloth as he had a major diva strop when I attempted a bum bath with him..!

I would keep them as clean as you are able without over washing, and spray their hutch/run/cage with the fly strike spray - the one I have says not to use directly on animals, and I would be wary of putting anything on them (especially citronella based) for fear of harming their skin..

Sure someone with a little more knowledge will be on soon with some handy ideas! :)
I use a fly strike spray from Pets At Home when I clean the cage and run out through the summer - I spray the actual base of the cage and bars, especially in their favourite toilet corners!

I also bum bath my long-haired piggy regularly as he collects all kind of nastiness, his short haired brother now just gets wiped down with a damp cloth as he had a major diva strop when I attempted a bum bath with him..!

I would keep them as clean as you are able without over washing, and spray their hutch/run/cage with the fly strike spray - the one I have says not to use directly on animals, and I would be wary of putting anything on them (especially citronella based) for fear of harming their skin..

Sure someone with a little more knowledge will be on soon with some handy ideas! :)

Thank you. I can spray their run okay - I wasn't sure if they were worth it. Annoyingly my messiest piggy is also my squirmiest! So it's always a challenge. Although the forecast has changed so they may not go out after all. Typical! :doh:
Thank you. I can spray their run okay - I wasn't sure if they were worth it. Annoyingly my messiest piggy is also my squirmiest! So it's always a challenge. Although the forecast has changed so they may not go out after all. Typical! :doh:
I feel your pain - my messiest is my squirmiest, too, and he's good at a karate kick!
The weekend forecast keeps changing - fingers crossed it'll be good!
I feel your pain - my messiest is my squirmiest, too, and he's good at a karate kick!
The weekend forecast keeps changing - fingers crossed it'll be good!

I hope so - every time I look it changes! I wonder if there is a messy/squirmy correlation?!
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