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Fluid buildup in abdomen


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 17, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Ireland UK
Hi all. Sadly yesterday when I brought my sow madison to the vet we found she had fluid build up in her abdomen. The vet decided to send her home with a urine dipstick to test for diabetes (I did the test and it’s negative)
The vet ruled out a heart issue by listening with the stethoscope - is it possible she still has a heart issue that the vet missed? I’m asking this because madison has started the classic “hooting” noise when breathing that’s associated with heart issues.
My vet seems more confident that it’s an abdominal mass 😢 if this was the scenario should we try diuretics? My vet isn’t very cavy savvy (we don’t have many experts here sadly) right now I’m giving her dandelion leaf as a treat/natural diuretic and metacam for pain.
Thanks for reading all this!
Hi all. Sadly yesterday when I brought my sow madison to the vet we found she had fluid build up in her abdomen. The vet decided to send her home with a urine dipstick to test for diabetes (I did the test and it’s negative)
The vet ruled out a heart issue by listening with the stethoscope - is it possible she still has a heart issue that the vet missed? I’m asking this because madison has started the classic “hooting” noise when breathing that’s associated with heart issues.
My vet seems more confident that it’s an abdominal mass 😢 if this was the scenario should we try diuretics? My vet isn’t very cavy savvy (we don’t have many experts here sadly) right now I’m giving her dandelion leaf as a treat/natural diuretic and metacam for pain.
Thanks for reading all this!



If the heart and any other issues can be excluded then it is generally down to an internal growth pressing either on the heart or other internal organs. I am very sorry for the bad news.

I had to have my Tegeirian (Welsh for Orchid) put to sleep (pts) last May when the fluid build up was causing persistent bloating symptoms and a strongly suspected growing internal mass (most likely cancerous) also caused loss of appetite and a and increasingly faster deterioration after the heart checked out fine.
The chances of testing and a successful emergency surgery were rated not very high and not worth the massive expense. She was only 3 years old. Unfortunately what was exactly going on inside was masked by the fluid build up and would have reuqired further expensive tests while she was already getting rather frail. :(

Has your vet put her on diuretics to help drain the fluid/slow down the build up?


If the heart and any other issues can be excluded then it is generally down to an internal growth pressing either on the heart or other internal organs. I am very sorry for the bad news.

I had to have my Tegeirian (Welsh for Orchid) put to sleep (pts) last May when the fluid build up was causing persistent bloating symptoms and a strongly suspected growing internal mass (most likely cancerous) also caused loss of appetite and a and increasingly faster deterioration after the heart checked out fine.
The chances of testing and a successful emergency surgery were rated not very high and not worth the massive expense. She was only 3 years old. Unfortunately what was exactly going on inside was masked by the fluid build up and would have reuqired further expensive tests while she was already getting rather frail. :(

Has your vet put her on diuretics to help drain the fluid/slow down the build up?
Hi yes I have been given Frusol (40mg/5ml) she is supposed to get 0.05ml every 12 hours - is that enough? It feels like such a small amount.
My poor girl is a rescue so we’re not sure of age but the vet estimated around 6 which is why we decided to not do any tests that would involve anaesthetic.
I know it’s not a very nice question but how long was it before your piggy deteriorated? Right now my girl is acting totally normal (although I am giving her metacam because there’s no point her being in any pain) it’s just been quite scary for me as I’m not sure how fast she will progress. I’m giving her every treat she wants and plenty of love
Hi yes I have been given Frusol (40mg/5ml) she is supposed to get 0.05ml every 12 hours - is that enough? It feels like such a small amount.
My poor girl is a rescue so we’re not sure of age but the vet estimated around 6 which is why we decided to not do any tests that would involve anaesthetic.
I know it’s not a very nice question but how long was it before your piggy deteriorated? Right now my girl is acting totally normal (although I am giving her metacam because there’s no point her being in any pain) it’s just been quite scary for me as I’m not sure how fast she will progress. I’m giving her every treat she wants and plenty of love

Tegeirian was originally treated for bloat since that was what her symptoms resembled. It was only when the bloating didn't shift and she stopped eating and was in clear discomfort over the weekend that she had a scan and we had to make the stark decision to spare her any unnecessary suffering. Tegeirian was a long-haired piggy with a naturally big bum, which didn't help with spotting the problem in the first place.

The problem is that every case is unique and has its own dynamic; you cannot go by somebody else's just on speculation.
Unfortunately, it is too long since I had a piggy of mine prescribed with frusol so I cannot remember or check up on my own medicine bottle.