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Fluid Around Lungs And Pain When Pooping

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 26, 2016
Reaction score
Batavia, Illinois, USA
Hello, everyone.

About two weeks ago, I noticed that my three and a half year old boar, Erik, was breathing heavily and had lost some weight. I immediately took him to the vet, who x-rayed him and discovered lots of fluid around his lung. There was so much fluid you couldn't even see his heart on the x-ray. The vet wasn't sure if it was or pneumonia or a heart problem causing the fluid. He couldn't see the heart to tell if it was enlarged, and Erik didn't have a fever to indicate infection. Also, the vet extracted some fluid and thought it wasn't as viscous as what you would expect with pneumonia. (I'm not sure how much I trust this assumption.)

He prescribed an antibiotic and diuretic for Erik, which I proceeded to give him for the next week. Since Erik has stopped eating anything but romaine lettuce (that pig has an addiction) I also force fed him Critical Care. He started eating again after a few days, and his breathing eased up. In my follow up appointment with the vet, the fluid had disappeared and his heart wasn't enlarged. The vet couldn't definitively say what had caused the fluid, and suggested I keep an eye on Erik while weaning him off the diuretic.

Now it's been a week, and I've kept Erik on the diruetic because I had to leave him with my parents while out of town. We just drove down to Florida for a week, and I didn't feel comfortable leaving Erik, so we brought him with.

However, he seems worse. He keeps crying while pooping, and it's really worrying me. He's still eating some, but I can't help but worry that it's decreased some. I've given him lettuce covered in water in case he's dehydrated, and I'm continuing with the diuretic, but I wanted to ask your guy's opinions about his symptoms. I fear since I haven't been able to treat the cause, poor Erik is only going to get worse.
Hi and welcome

Please weigh Eric daily at the same time and Syringe feed him again if his weight is not stable or he is not eating fully. Be Aware that up to 80%of the daily Food intake is hay, which you cannot control, but which is dropped first if there is a pain issue - just a Little watery veg will not be enough.
You can find all the tips how to best do it/how much to feed in our illustrated Syringe feeding guide, you will find it very helpful. It also contains tips for what you can do in an emergency with what you have at home or easily available: Complete Syringe Feeding Guide

Unfortunately, it rather sounds like an internal growth that could have caused the water retention but that could now be pushing on other organs like guts or bladder, too. That is what we suspected in the case of my Tegyd who presented with similar symptoms, only that the fluid never completely went away, so a scan didn't bring results. All we can do is guess on that score, for that you need to see a vet.

I am very sorry, it is always a worry, but much worse over the Holidays. HUGS!
If his breathing is laboured when taking him off the diuretics, keep him on the dose that made the fluid go down until you can see the vet again.
It sounds like there could be a heart issue or a mass in the chest causing his symptoms. Either of these 2 require diuretics usually for life as you can't get rid of the cause. Once they can see his heart clearer and if it's enlarged they could try him on an ace inhibitor such as Fortekor to improve heart function and hopefully reduce the rate the fluid is building up.

Keep weighing him and syringe feeding but please be careful only to syringe in a little at a time (no more than 0.2ml) to prevent him aspirating what with his laboured breathing.

The squeaking when toileting sounds like a seperate issue, possibly a UTI or stone. This will need veterinary attention.

Make sure he is still able to pass urine, if he struggles then he may have a stone causing a blockage which would require him to see a vet ASAP.
Thank you for your quick replies! Erik seems a little better. I massaged his tummy a bit till he pooped and he seemed to feel better. He's eating his hay and drinking on his own, but I'm going to try and get more Critical Care anyway because of how skinny he is. I'm a little unsure how to proceed. I don't want to stress him, especially since he's eating on his own, but I do want to make sure he's getting enough.

Unfortunately, his breathing seems harder. Also, I noticed dead white skin on his ear, which I'm afraid is necrosis due to poor circulation. It seems more and more like he has a heart problem, even though the x-ray didn't show an enlarged heart.

I'm hoping to get him to a vet for an ACE inhibitor soon. Unfortunately, I'm vacationing kind of in the middle of nowhere so it'll probably be a bit of a hunt. Meanwhile, I'm keeping him on the original dose of the diuretic which seemed to help and monitoring his condition.
Hello all. I have sad news. I took Erik to another vet and he had lymphoma. He got significantly worse very quickly and we decided to end his pain.

Rest in peace, little piggy.

I'm so sorry for your loss :-(
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