Flossie Bun Has Arrived!

Janice C

Adult Guinea Pig
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
In pet shop today and just couldn’t resist her! Lost my Shadow Bun at Christmas and thought I’d never want another rabbit. Just drawn to this one! Friend has named her Flossie which I think suits her! She’s jumping about the garden room thoroughly enjoying herself!

Oh bless her. She has a mischievous glint to her eye though... Looks like shes plotting something... Stealing everyone's heart and then taking over the world perhaps!
Very very cute, I have a question I have always wondered. Over in the uk how do you buy a pet in a store? Do you have to purchase a plastic transport box or do they give you a temporary cardboard option?

Over here you MUST have a plastic transport box which means either you have to purchase one or bring your own. This essentially means schlepping home to fetch yours or buying an “extra” one if you spot an unplanned animal you like.
Very very cute, I have a question I have always wondered. Over in the uk how do you buy a pet in a store? Do you have to purchase a plastic transport box or do they give you a temporary cardboard option?

Over here you MUST have a plastic transport box which means either you have to purchase one or bring your own. This essentially means schlepping home to fetch yours or buying an “extra” one if you spot an unplanned animal you like.
They just put them in a cardboard box over here! Was fine with the r a bit but when I adopted a guinea pig from a pet store here she ate her way out of the box by the time we’d left the town! My friend had to just hold her on her knee! I thought I’d rescued a maniacal piggy but she’s just the sweetest little thing! Think she was maybe claustrophobic!
Very very cute, I have a question I have always wondered. Over in the uk how do you buy a pet in a store? Do you have to purchase a plastic transport box or do they give you a temporary cardboard option?

Over here you MUST have a plastic transport box which means either you have to purchase one or bring your own. This essentially means schlepping home to fetch yours or buying an “extra” one if you spot an unplanned animal you like.

Pets at home give a cardboard carrier to take them home in which solves that problem but I do think if they didn't it would be a step further from impulse purchasing
They just put them in a cardboard box over here! Was fine with the r a bit but when I adopted a guinea pig from a pet store here she ate her way out of the box by the time we’d left the town! My friend had to just hold her on her knee! I thought I’d rescued a maniacal piggy but she’s just the sweetest little thing! Think she was maybe claustrophobic!
Hah that’s hilarious, glad you didn’t loose her on the way home!

And yes the transport boxes pet stores stock are on the pricey side. So you REALLY have to think about if you wanna trek all the way home and back.
Guinea pigs cost around €60-€65 for a female and €90-€100 for a male depending on the pet store. ALL males are neutered and all have undergone the neutering at he youngest age possible.

So yeah when you look at those prices and add on another €20 or more (definitely more for rabbit sized) for another pet carrier...