Floor Time

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 10, 2016
Reaction score
Bedford uk
any advice other than putting the pigs in a paddling pool for floor time. Too nervous to put then on the floor in the lounge else i loose them somewhere x
Boxes ! Make a little make shift pen with a big box ! This is what i did to start with last year.. then i just put fleece down and they never left it.. then they got brave and did ! So i bought an indoor pen and they have about 2 hrs a day now..
the one i got is fab, very sturdy, can be used indoor and outdoor ( with a cover over it ).. easy to set up and folds flat for storage ! i will try and post a link although bit crap at all that ! x
I have some spare C&C grids that i use as a floor time pen. I did lose one of mine under the coffee table in the early days though, so I get your fear! She was fine, I was having a heart attack. We'd also lost her down the back of the sofa the first time we held her so she has form! Paddling pool should work though although mine would try and eat it. I put a shower curtain under the blanket in the pen and it is their life's main objective to eat that.
I have mine loose in the dining room for floor time. There are no low sofa/tables or wires - just the computer table that we block off, although they are quite good at breaking in!
To begin with we were worried about having them loose, but they escaped their carry box several times (three little pigs running full pelt at the open door inevitably leads to escapees!) and we saw they didn't get up to too much mischief and always (so far) went back into their pen/carry box to pee, that we now let them run wild for about an hour three times a day. {Mine are only inside at weekends}

Thy do chew the carpet ... And the dining table legs....and the computer table wheels...an the box out mortgage stuff is in ...and almost anything else they can get their teeth on! But they don't chew the floor length curtains, they like playing under/behind them!
I use a 'guinea pig/rabbit play pen' which is several 'sides' which are joined together using metal rods. Because of the design you can buy another play pen and make it even bigger if thats what you want/need :) Can be used inside and outside as it comes with a net over the top, but I don't use it outside as I already have a nice big run for them to play in out there.

I prefer to use a 'playpen' rather than just having them running around freely the floor as I have a big, overly friendly, Golden Retriever who adores my piggies and just wants to sit and lick them all day long! The playpen means she can lay down next to them and watch them happily :luv:

I would personally opt for one of these playpens rather than a paddling pool purely for storage purposes, the type of pen I use can be collapsed down flat and I store it behind the sofa out of sight :)
Thanks ill def invest when i get paid thank you so much, we have cats which would rather eat them i think than lick them! So have to be careful....
I got my hubby to make one, 3 lengths of wooden border roll from pound land like you use in the garden, attached with plastic ties to a sheet of tarpaulin. I line with papers when they go in, its great because its easy to clean to tarpaulin floor and folds up small when not in use.
Wowsers thats awesome.... Bought one now that folds down..... For now we are using the old paddling pool just taken the toys out but here they are x
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