Floor Time

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 8, 2014
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Have had my piggy for a week and during floor time he tends to just sit in the corner and not really walk around. He ocassionally takes a few steps but not much.obviously hes still settling dont know if thats why? he is 2 and the owner before me had lots of piggys and was downsizing thats how I got my wee harold he seems well looked after and is a fab piggy. He is great to handle. He never squeaks also. I spoke to the lady saying this to her and she just said he is very chilled and content but ive had guinea pigs when I was younger and I'm just worried as ive never had one as quiet and chilled. He eats and drinks well. Going to take him to vets for a check up but just wondered if any one had any advice or tips for me?
Really silly question possibly - what kind of flooring do you have?

We have laminate in the hall which 2 of my piggies HATE! They sit and freeze as their wee legs slide from under them if they move :D

During floor time I tend to sit on the floor with them and talk a lot, put down a little bit of hay/cabbage and a few toys. I also put a fleecey blanket down for them to curl into which they love doing. They still like to be able to hide so maybe make sure there are a few hidey holes nearby him.
We have wooden floor but put fleece/towel down for him. We put veggies down and toys for him. We have him out a lot so thought as his confidence built he would get more mobile. My husband just says he must love the wee corner!
Was he kept with other pigs? They are happier with a friend they don't like being on their own. Could you get him a friend from the lady you got him from ?
Maybe he does :) Might just simply be still getting used to his new surroundings, particularly if he was living with lots of pigs and was used to the vast constant pig company.

I wouldnt worry. He'll settle soon enough. Have you any other pigs?
She said that she has always had him alone and he seems to prefer it. Ive text her again to queery it further. I have a wee girl and she is always chating away to him and his house is in the living room so he is kept in a social environment with plenty interaction.
Ive no other pigs but would be more than happy to add as I love them but just dont want to upset harold if the lady is correct and he does prefer being on his own
Totally understand.

Maybe he's just a quiet content piggy then :)
Hopefully dont know if I'm just worrying over nothing. Just as ive never had another piggy who isnt qctive
Did the lady just keep him in a cage on his own? Or did he get to interact with her other pigs aswell do you know?

Just wondering if he's actually feeling lonely aswell as apprehensive about a new environment x
I'm not sure when I got him he was out in the hall in a wee box waiting to see me not in his usual hutch so ive never seen the environment in which he was kept. From what she said it was in a hutch alone but wether the hutches were all in the same area I'm not sure. I'm waiting to hear back from her.
Just noticed I've only had him a week. So its still early days. Just give him time. I would put your sows cage next to his. So they can see and chat to each other
When I first got Edward he didn't like floor time much but a few greens scattered around helped, and I use to sit on the floor with him.This really helped us bond because if he got worried he would run to me. At first when I read you have a wee girl that was chatting to him I thought you ment a female guinea pig :lol!:
get him a friend if possibel. It will make him feel more confident. You can either find a rescue that boar dates or get him castrated and put him with 1 or more sows after 6 weeks
Mine will only come out and play if I'm in the room and the TVs on, I think they like the reassurance from the noises. Lots of hidey places help too especially bags & boxes of hay to play in x
I have the opposite problem!

I've had 7 guinea pigs over the years, got 2 girls now and a new baby boy! He's the first piggie I've had that runs around! I've never really done floor time before because they would just still there! Alfie likes to run around and explore everything!

Maybe some piggies just aren't as interested in running round! Also, it is early days for you.
Thanks everyone the ladys not replyed so I'm not sure what to do she did say he prefered to live alone so I'm scared to get another incase he doesnt like that?
If he was to boar date at a rescue they will try him with several boars until a happy match is made. I do not know any piggie who likes to live alone. I have 20 guinea pigs all rescues and all live in groups, i have just rescued a group of 6, 2 sows and 4 3 week old babies 3 of which are boars, i have the intention when they are older to take the 3rd one out have him neutered and put him in with his mum, auntie and sister so none will live alone :)
How do I go about the boar dating? Ive never heard of that?
hi! my guinea pig was the same.He came from a women who had loads of guinea pigs living together. he came to me on his own was running away from me , and biting me etc.
but after 2-3 weeks he was fine i have now had him for about 5 months and we have a bond. he runs to me if he is scared he is squeaking and very active. just give him time, its a big change for him and he is proberbly a bit confused.As for getting him a friend i wouldnt suggest a boy that hasnt come from the same litter. i got my guinea pig (boy) a friend (also a boy) and they did nothing but fight i then had to send the new guinea pig back.i would keep him on his own , especially if he is kept in your living room and is always around people. My guinea pig is on his own and gets loads of cuddles he then goes back into his cage and i think he is glad of the peace and quiet. :p hope this helped and good luck with settling him in :)
He is so good and seems happy being handled which is why I cant decide what to do. Will give it a month or so and see how he is. Going to build a c and c cage next month for him and may section it off and get more and have them living side by side for company rather than in the same cage.
To do boar dating all you need to do is contact a rescue and tell them that you are seeking a friend for your guinea pig and ask them if they do boar dating, keeping him on his own is not in his best interests and anyone experienced with guinea pigs will tell you the same.No way is human interaction a good substitute for a friend of the same species

A rescue is not going to send a piggie home that he has not bonded with and if for some reason they feel that he is not compatible with a boar there is the option of having him neutered and bonding him with a sow or two.

At the end of the day it is your choice.
When I first got Edward I always planned to get him a friend. Then I use to worry and think 'should I he seems fine' but I knew in my hart he should so I got him neutered and along came Mrs Simpson then we took in Cousin Amelia. Its the best thing I ever did for my little Edward his life is so much better. They interact and chat away in their own language and I know I could have never given him that.
So the lady replyd and said he doesnt get on with males but does females but hes not neutered? So now i have the dilema of wether I want to put him through an operation which I dont think I do? I know it can b risky as hes small and my rabbit died while being operated on getting neutered so its put me off.
So the lady replyd and said he doesnt get on with males but does females but hes not neutered? So now i have the dilema of wether I want to put him through an operation which I dont think I do? I know it can b risky as hes small and my rabbit died while being operated on getting neutered so its put me off.
Just because you have been told he does not get on with boars that does not mean he cannot. There are so many different boars with different personalities. You have nothing to lose by taking him to a rescue to try and bond him with other boars. There are very few piggies which will not tolerate another. They are social animals. I would try and see how he gets on boar dating.
Just a wee update harold is squeaking away and running wild chewing the furniture and getting up to lots of mischief! Hes such a wee character now ! He seems to be well settled and happy now he obvs just needed some time to adjust, thanks for everyones help.
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