Floor Time-Question


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 23, 2018
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I have a general question that’s kinda silly...
I understand a lot of guinea pig owners give their pigs “floor time” however my understanding is that this only if their pigs live in a smaller type “cage.”
As shown in the photo below my guinea pigs live in a massive space 24/7 however I have never given them floor time bc of this. I do hold them ALOT, interact with them, sit with them etc and in the summertime, i carry them outside to enjoy the weather ...they get a lot of attention because I do college from home! But should they still get EXTRA floor time anyway?:luv:


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I used to have my boys in a cage that was roughly 16ft square, but I gave them floor time in my hall too. It was the only place even remotely guinea pig proof but it gave them somewhere else to explore for a bit, a chance that one of them relished lol. Yes, it's nice to have the space, but I think it's good for them to not just be "home" all the time.
Yes technically now our c&c cage is a bit bigger than the play pen they have at floor time, but the cage is L-shaped while the playpen is a big rectangle, and they have different hidey houses and cardboard boxes in the playpen, so they still get a few hours playpen time twice a week while I clean the cage out- they usually enjoy the change of scenery!
We have a 2x7 c&c for our two girls and we never give floor time because the cage is bigger than any run we used to make grid size wise. Floor time or run time is needed for smaller cages obviously or if you had more piggies in the space
Our playpen and cage are similar sizes, the cage is 2sqft bigger in fact, but the piggies still get playpen time twice a week on cage clean days, with different hidey houses and usually a cardboard box full of hay or a haycube to play with :)
We have a 2x7 c&c for our two girls and we never give floor time because the cage is bigger than any run we used to make grid size wise. Floor time or run time is needed for smaller cages obviously or if you had more piggies in the space
Yeah that’s what I thought! I bought a playpen once but my “pen” was wayyyy bigger lol
I give mine floor time just for the fun of it. They like to explore and pee everywhere. :vom: I don't use a play pen, I just let them walk around in a pig-proof room. I can't do it as often as I'd like, but usually I do it once a week. They don't necessarily need it, because they have space in their cage, but as other people said it's a bit of a change. They look very happy, talk a lot, and do piggie trains. (There's only two of them, but it's still cute! :love:)
As many of you know I have outside piggies and they don't get floor time when the temperature outside is too cold as bringing them in for any length of time is detrimental to their health. When the weather warms up in the Spring they are outside in the run all day and then every day they come in for about half an hour or so for cuddle and floor time. I like to see them running around on the floor inside and having fun. When the OH is home I have to pop them in the pen as he doesn't like them running all over the carpet and under the furniture.
Do you have to be with your guinea pigs during floor time or can you go do other things like your homework?
Mine have an L shaped c&c cage which 2x5 with a 2x2 bit added.
I give them floor time most days - they can run further, explore new surroundings and I always sit on the floor with them.
I read, deal with emails, check the forum etc as well as chatting to the girls